Set of engineering challenges with the focus on finding a good solution and applying well known engineering practices and code design principles.
In the ReversingString
project, there is a method called Reverse
in StringUtilities
class. Implement this method so that it returns the string in reverse order:
Input: "FooBazQux"
Output: "xuQzaBooF"
Input: "Hello Bar"
Output: "raB olleH"
Add code to the CardGame
project. The project already contains contracts (interfaces) that must be implemented. The implementation must contain the following:
- Provide a standard pack of 52 cards,
- A card can be removed from the top of the pack,
- The pack can be shuffled which will:
- Return all removed cards to the pack so that the pack is reset to all 52 cards,
- Randomise the order of cards in the pack.
Design a RESTful API service that will output an average temperature of the last 5 days for a given geolocation. You can use openweather API to retrieve the data to use.
Consider the following necessary use cases
- Service accepts a geolocation (latitude and longitude)
- Service has high availability
- Service is resilient
- Support only anonymous users
- Service is efficient on resource allocation e.g. same location might be requested many times
- Service should prevent being exploited by automated tools
The aim of the design challenge is to come up with an approach and a design that can be reviewed and elaborated during the interview. The design challenge is required only to contain a high level design diagram - any notes or details or specifications on the design challenge are not necessarily required to get submitted. However, they can greatly facilitate and drive discussions.
- All challenges can have multiple approaches. Can you think of these and explain their pros and cons?
- The implementations should follow TDD
- Publish your answers on a Git repo that can be reviewed & discussed during the interview
- A commit history that shows the coding progress of coding challenge should be present