Valoriza was born to share kindness. Following the principle "kindness generate kindness", Valoriza will help the members of a team to show gratitude among each other. It could be a help they got, also to give a nice "congratulations" for a friend that took the initiative to solve a hard bug or even to praise a colleague that managed to create an awesome new feature!
- Register and list compliments;
- Authentication and validation using JWT;
- NodeJS;
- Type ORM - SQLite;
- Git;
- It's forbidden to register more than one user with same email
- It's forbidden to register a user without email
- User can't register tag without a name
- Can't register a tag with same name
- Only ADMIN Users are allowed to register a new tag
- Users can't register a compliment to themselves
- Users need to be authenticated in order to register a new compliment
Valoriza é um projeto que nasceu com o intuíto de compartilhar kindness.
Seguindo a frase "gentileza gera gentileza", Valoriza irá ajudar os membros do time a demonstrarem gratidão entre si. Podendo ser por uma ajuda que receberam, também dar um parabéns para um colega que teve uma bela iniciativa ao resolver um bug ou ainda elogiar o colega que conseguiu desenvolver uma feature muito massa!