Small library to support i18n messages in Scala "just like in Play Framework".
- properties files
- in UTF-8 (vs. Java properties files in ISO 8859-1)
- formatted with
It provides a trivial library to "localize" application entities as well.
Mostly just like in Play
Framework (the
differences are outlined below). Messages are in messages_XXX.txt
(mind the
file extension, Play does not use any) files in UTF-8 encoding in the
application's resources (Play's messages reside in /conf
). There is a default
file messages.txt
where the key is looked up when it cannot be found in the
language-specific file, e.g. messages_en.txt
or messages_ru.txt
The messages are formatted using Java's java.util.MessageFormat
. Mind the
apostrophes (see the details in
call depend on the implicit parameter of type Lang
which represents
the language. It's being used in Localized
as well, see below.
You would use Messages
implicit val userLang = Lang("en")
val msg = Messages("greet")
You may want to localize for some application's entity, e.g. a user or a session. In this case, you may implicitly determine this entity's preferred language:
case class User(id: Int, lang: Lang)
object User {
implicit object userLocale extends Localized {
override def locale(user: User) = user.lang
and format the whole page or email for any user later:
val email =
Localized(user) { implicit lang =>
val greet = Messages("email.greet", user.fullName)
val text = Messages("email.text")
s"$greet $text"
val i18n = "com.osinka.i18n" %% "scala-i18n" % "1.1.0"
Apache 2.0