New: Check out my sysfiles (config files at system level), too!
These dotfiles belong to my personal desktop, which features an Arch Linux installation with bspwm as WM and the Catppuccin theme as main color scheme.
My setup consists in a custom box:
- Intel i7-10700 (8/16 @ 2.90/4.80 GHz)
- 250 GB Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD
- 2x 8 GB Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 @ 2666 MHz
- 2 TB Seagate Barracuda HDD
- etc.
with 1x 27" 3840x2160 @ 60 Hz Samsung ViewFinity S8 monitor.
what | pkg |
window manager | bspwm |
hotkey daemon | sxhkd + xcape |
compositor | picom-git |
night color | redshift-minimal |
system font | inter-font |
monospaced font | ttf-jetbrains-mono + nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono |
extra fonts | noto-fonts (+ noto-fonts-cjk + noto-fonts-emoji) |
text editor | vim + visual-studio-code-bin |
screen locker | i3lock-color |
gtk theme | nordic-darker-theme-git |
qt theme | kvantum-theme-nordic-git |
icon theme | papirus-icon-theme papirus-folders |
cursor | xcursor-breeze |
program launcher | rofi |
notification server | dunst |
status bar | polybar |
shell | fish |
file manager | pcmanfm-qt (+ qt5-translations) + ranger |
terminal | kitty |
screenshot utility | flameshot + maim |
image viewer | feh |