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Migrating from 1.x

Albet Novendo edited this page Aug 6, 2023 · 1 revision

There are several changes from version 1.x that you need to note before migrating. These changes include:

  • The attributes width, height, and data-image-id are no longer removed by default (severity: none). They will remain unchanged to ensure that VueTik can still read the transformed content. This also applies to settings such as persistWidth, persistHeight, and persistId is not longer required or removed from the options array.

  • The Twitter container will no longer be removed. The container will remain as it is to ensure that VueTik can still read the transformed content.

  • The values of twitter.throwOnFail and image.throwOnFail are now set to default to true (severity: medium). This means that VueTik will throw an error on failure by default, unless you opt out.

  • Auto-saving images using image.autoSave is introduced (severity: medium). The use of the ImageManager::class is no longer required. You can disable this feature by setting image.autoSave to false and still use ImageManager::class to handle image saving.

  • Transformed images will now change their URLs based on attributes using Glide (severity: low). This feature is only enabled when the configuration glide.enabled is set to true.

  • Failed pre-uploaded transformed images (severity: medium). This occurs when Vuetik Laravel receives a pre-uploaded image, but the image is not stored in the database. Vuetik Laravel will throw an error if image.throwOnFail is set to true; otherwise, the image class attributes will be merged with the vuetik__failed__img class.

After these changes, I highly recommend using APIs such as parse and parseJson in your Jobs, especially if the Glide option is enabled.

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