This repository contains simple C++ programs for different games I made during my first semester course CS1002 Programming Fundamentals
- A simple console-based game where the user guesses three numbers.
- The program generates three random numbers, and the user needs to guess them in the correct order.
- The game provides feedback on the correctness of the guesses.
- Run the program.
- Enter three different numbers as your guesses, each between 0 and 9 when prompted.
- The program will provide feedback on the correctness and order of your guesses.
- A console-based game where the user predicts if the second randomly generated number is higher or lower than the first number.
- The program generates two random numbers between 1 and 20.
- The user inputs 'H' for higher or 'L' for lower, and the program provides feedback on the correctness of the prediction.
- Run the program.
- The first number is displayed.
- Enter 'H' if you think the second number is higher, or 'L' if you think it's lower.
- The program will inform you if your guess is correct.
- Classic rock, paper, scissors game against the computer.
- The computer randomly selects rock (R), paper (P), or scissors (S).
- The user inputs their choice, and the program determines the winner.
- Run the program.
- Enter 'R' for Rock, 'P' for Paper, or 'S' for Scissors.
- The program will reveal the computer's choice and determine the winner.
- These programs are designed for educational purposes and to provide a hands-on understanding of basic C++ concepts.
- Feel free to explore, modify, and learn from the source code.