ASD-CFG is a config for Team Fortress 2 made for low end pc try to offer good fps without disabling ragdolls and sprays.
If you want High Graphics see the Jacket's Version Branch!
Customize this launch options with your monitor information or the resolution you want.
-freq monitor frequency -w width of your resolution -h height of your resolution
EXAMPLE: -freq 60 -w 1980 -h 1080
A 1080p monitor with 60z of frequency
-freq 60 -w 1440 -h 900 -nojoy -nosteamcontroller -nohltv -particles 1 -precachefontchars -noquicktime
If you want open the console on the startup just put: -console
If you want to skip always the valve intro just put: -novid
If you need to use a joystick just delete the command: -nojoy
If for some reason want to start the game without sound just put: -nosound
If you are giving this error constantly in the console:
"Attemped to precache unknown particle system random particle"
put: -force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_i
Works on my potato PC
Model Name: PToshiba Satellite C845
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2328M
GPU (Integrated Graphic): Intel HD Graphics 3000