Currently, the bot supports the following commands and functionality:
🔧 Administrator commands
- Kick
- Ban
- Unban
🔍 Util commands
- Clear
- Ping
- Change server prefix
🎹 Music commands
- Play
- Pause
- Resume
- Remove
- Shuffle
- Stop
- Queue
- Song
- Skip
- Previous
- Repeat (All, one, none)
💻 Functionality
- Cycling presence messages
- Custom server based prefixes
- Command alias support
- Logging
These are the main features that I aim to intruduce in the following future:
Music support- Spotify playlists
Meme generation- Digital currency
To set up a copy of the client locally, you will need to generate a discord bot project, detailed documentation on how to do this can be found here
You can clone the repository using:
git clone
To activate the python virtual environment, you will need to have the venv package installed. You can install this using pip3:
pip3 install venv
You will need to create a .env file containing all environment variables. You can find an example .env file in the .env.example file. Alternativelly, you can run the script to generate the environment file.
You will need to populate the .env file with your discord private token, as well as any other environment variables.
To run the bot, first you will need to run the audio server, to do this you will need to have Java 11+ installed on your machine (Java 11 recommended), and run:
java -jar audio_server/Lavalink.jar
Finally, to run the bot client: