This project implements a DeFi application consisting of a "Farming contract" that issues new ARG coins to investors that deposit money for a certain amount of time
Clone repository and install dependencies and devDependencies:
$ npm install -g truffle
$ npm install -g ganache-cli
$ cd DeFi_example
$ npm init
$ npm install
Start ganache-cli development ethereum network:
$ ganache-cli &
On another terminal, compile and deploy solidity contracts to Ganache development network:
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate
On another terminal, start the web server:
$ npm run start
To use the Web DeFi APP go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
To simulate the issuing of ARG tokens run the script:
$ truffle exec ./scripts/issue-token.js
You will need to install MetaMask in your browser in order to interact with the React Web App!!