This is a demo of an NFT project. It contains an example of a simple collectible and an advanced one. It follows the ERC721 standards. Contracts contained:
: It creates a random collectible between 3 puppies -
: It creates the simplest NFT, following the ERC720 standards.
Please install or have installed the following:
brownie run scripts/simple_collectible/
This will deploy the "SimpleCollectible" contract, deploy some mock Chainlink contracts for you to interact with.
brownie run scripts/advanced_collectible/
This will deploy the "AdvancedCollectible" contract, deploy some mock Chainlink contracts for you to interact with.
brownie run scripts/advanced_collectible/
This will create the metadata for the "AdvancedCollectible" token already created.
brownie run scripts/advanced_collectible/
This will create the URI for the token to be assigned
brownie run scripts/advanced_collectible/
This will link the uri created on the "create_uri" script.
brownie test
This project is licensed under the MIT license.