A simple NoSQL PHP Class that mimics some of the behavior of large NoSQL databases. It was created to help people learn and experiment with NoSQL without having to invest or setup a large NoSQL server.
- get($key);
- set($key, $value);
- append($key, $value);
- touch($key);
- unlink($key);
When I created my blog, I needed a simple mechanism to store information. It had to be small, flexible, and have a small footprint. As I didn't want to invest in a large DB Server (Couchbase, MongoDB, etc) I decided to create my own PHP layer just for this purpose.
- Give developers unfamiliar with NoSQL a quick and fun way to get started
- Quickly develop NoSQL applications without the overhead of a DB Server
Future TODO:
- Create a NodeJS version
- Expand functionality
Do as you want with this class. I only ask that if you enhance my code in a beneficial way, that you push your changes so we can all take advantage of our collaborative efforts.