First goal of this project is to show how simple it is to implement an AngularJS application using Spring Boot as a backend, and Bootstrap as a CSS framework. It is freely inspired from the ASP.NET Web API example built by Mathieu and available here:
Second goal is to show what are the framework and tools that we can use today (in 2014) to create light and quick to setup web applications in Java. It leverage on Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Thymleaf and AngularJS.
Package and run as standalone application:
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar target/AngularBootstrapSpringBoot-0.1.0.jar
Run inplace and leverage on hot reloading of resources for frontend development:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Configure application in in resources folder (in classpath). This file can be overridden with a copy and specific properties in current dir, config folder in classpath or config folder under current dir. It also supports Spring environment profiles. More info in spring-boot readme.
See in src/main/resources/
- enable csrf (find a good way to include token in angularjs requests)
- mvc test
- Download early access from:
- Mostly lambdas and everything around this (interfaces improvements, functions, streams, enhancement of collection and nio apis)
- New date & time API
- Nashorn JavaScript engine
- Guava inspired stuff like Optional (yes I know), StringJoiner, Comparator chain
- See here for a good overview:
- See some examples in code
- Read Java 8 in Action:
- The official stuff:
- A nice overview:
- Jackson support already available:
- Customize ObjectMapper in spring boot to register JSR310 module:
- Official site and documentation:
- Presentation by Dave Syer, one author:
- How To:
- Deployment:
- Spring MVC:
- Set of dependency descriptors for your projects:
- spring-boot-starter-actuator
- spring-boot-starter-amqp
- spring-boot-starter-aop
- spring-boot-starter-batch
- spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
- spring-boot-starter-data-rest
- spring-boot-starter-integration
- spring-boot-starter-jdbc
- spring-boot-starter-jetty
- spring-boot-starter-log4j
- spring-boot-starter-logging
- spring-boot-starter-mobile
- spring-boot-starter-ops
- spring-boot-starter-parent
- spring-boot-starter-redis
- spring-boot-starter-security
- spring-boot-starter-shell-crsh
- spring-boot-starter-shell-remote
- spring-boot-starter-test
- spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
- spring-boot-starter-tomcat
- spring-boot-starter-web
- spring-boot-starter-websocket
- @RestController is same as @Controller and @ResponseBody
- Data validation enabled automatically if hibernate-validator in the classpath (see in pom)
- @Valid on controller inputs
- Web endpoints and mbeans
- Add Maven dependency spring-boot-starter-actuator
- management.port = 8081
- management.contextPath = /admin
- http://localhost:8080/admin/configprops
- http://localhost:8080/admin/mappings
- http://localhost:8080/admin/beans
- http://localhost:8080/admin/autoconfig
- http://localhost:8080/admin/trace
- http://localhost:8080/admin/dump
- http://localhost:8080/admin/env
- http://localhost:8080/admin/info
- http://localhost:8080/admin/metrics
- http://localhost:8080/admin/health
- See WebSecurityConfig
- By default use logback
- Possible to import base configuration:
- Client side dependencies exposed as maven artifacts:
- Automatically published under /webjars
- See example for jquery
- Java XML / XHTML / HTML5 template engine
- Integration with SpringMVC
- Provide an elegant and well-formed way of creating templates that can be correctly displayed by browsers and therefore work also as static prototypes
- Great interactive tutorial:
- Allows to integrate server side data in javascript
- Supports JS and Dart
- Intelligent evaluation (object are transformed to JSON)
- Early support for Java 8 on branch
- Add sonatype snapshot repository
- assertj:
- Fork of fest-assert which was no more maintained
- Configure failsafe plugin for integration tests
- Name those tests with *IT
- Configure Jacoco to generate specific reports for both unit and integration tests