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Releases: aleph-im/aleph-client

1.4.0: Implemented new pricing with GPUs

19 Feb 20:12
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New Features

  • New Pricing System: Implemented a new pricing system for Aleph services. (PR #332)


  • Code Quality: Enabled the ruff linter to improve code quality and consistency. (PR #276)
  • Dependency Updates: Updated the rich library to the latest version. (PR #298)

Bug Fixes

  • Command Argument Handling: Wrapped all command arguments in Annotated for better type hinting and improved user experience. (PR #339)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.3.1...1.4.0

1.3.1: Implemented T&C and improved some commands

11 Feb 10:30
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New Features

  • GPU Support: Implemented support for GPU instances. (PR #313)
  • aleph program logs Command: Added a new command to view program logs. (PR #304)
  • Terms & Conditions: Introduced a feature to display and accept Terms & Conditions. (PR #311)
  • Account Management: Enhanced account management functionalities. (PR #281)

Bug Fixes

  • Instance Volume Requirements: Fixed an issue where name/mount were required for instance volumes. Also fixed issues related to macOS CI. (PR #301)
  • Wrong SSH Option Description: Corrected the description for the SSH option in the instance command. (PR #307)
  • GPU List Display: Resolved issues with the display of the GPU list. (PR #316)
  • Program Logs Command: Fixed issues with the program logs command. (PR #318)
  • MyPy Configuration: Fixed an issue where mypy was not correctly considering the pyproject.toml file. (PR #333)
  • Unwanted Uninit CoCo VM Message: Removed an unwanted message about uninitialized CoCo VMs from the instance list. (PR #331)
  • Various Improvements: Addressed various issues related to user experience, edge cases, and test coverage. (PR #312)
  • Aggregates and Permissions: Improved aggregates functionality and added commands for managing permissions. (PR #330)


  • Reduced Instance PAYG Balance: Reduced the PAYG balance for instances. (PR #310)
  • Dependency Updates: Updated several dependencies, including substrate-interface, typer, aiohttp, and pygments. (PR #289, #319, #323, #325, #337)

Other Changes

  • CI Improvements: Improved the CI pipeline to run tests on the testnet. (PR #321)
  • Code Quality: Fixed bugs in the node commands and improved code quality overall. (PR #329, #328)
  • Python Version Support: Limited support to stable Python versions (>=3.9). (PR #334)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1

1.3.0: Integrated support for some EVM blockchains

04 Nov 18:26
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  • Documentation: Added instructions for updating user documentation during the release process (by @olethanh).
  • Dependency Updates: Upgraded the rich dependency from version 13.8.1 to 13.9.3 (by @dependabot).
  • New Feature: Implemented support for new Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains (by @nesitor).

What's Changed

  • docs: add instructions for updating user documentation during release by @olethanh in #292
  • Chore(deps): Bump rich from 13.8.1 to 13.9.3 by @dependabot in #295
  • Implement new EVM chains by @nesitor in #296

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0

1.2.0: Support for Solana blockchain

14 Oct 10:20
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  • Updated Aleph-Pytezos: The client now utilizes a newer version of the aleph-pytezos library for improved functionality. (PR #261)
  • Account Management and Solana Support: A significant new feature has been introduced, providing functionalities for account management and interaction with the Solana blockchain. (PR #281)
  • YAML Validation: The yamlfix tool has been integrated to ensure the integrity and validity of YAML files used by the client. (PR #277)
  • Code Formatting: Consistent code formatting throughout the project is now maintained using pyproject-fmt. (PR #284)


  • Volume Prompt Fix: A bug related to the volume prompt has been addressed. (PR #267)
  • Automated Dependency Updates: Dependabot has been configured to automate dependency updates, guaranteeing the client leverages the latest stable versions. (PR #268)
  • Dependency Updates: Several dependencies have been updated to newer versions, including typer, aiohttp, and rich. (PR #269, #274, #278)
  • Windows Compatibility: A fix has been implemented to prevent the usage of a buggy version of aiohttp on Windows systems. (PR #283)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0

Version 1.1.0: PAYG support for BASE blockchain

05 Sep 15:23
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New Features and Improvements

  • Added support to create instances using PAYG on BASE blockchain
  • Enhanced user experience by improving the flow and display of pricing and balance information. (PR #266)
  • Refactored the aleph message get function to handle message status. (PR #265)

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed various issues identified after the 1.0.0 release. (PR #262)
  • Fixed a problem related to confidential session handling. (PR #256)
  • Ensured comments are clear and accurate. (PR #260)
  • Updated the aleph-sdk-python dependency version constraint to respect Semantic Versioning (semver). (PR #264)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0

Version 1.0.0: Confidential Instances and UX improvement

26 Aug 18:18
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The CLI client version 1.0.0 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the platform introducing the confidential instance creation and management and enhancing the user experience. Here's a breakdown of the key areas:.

New Features and Functionality

  • Introduced support for specifying the hypervisor type for instances. (PR #199)
  • Enabled users to create confidential instances and interact with them using dedicated commands. (PR #232, #235, #255)
  • Integrated an interactive selector for choosing the CRN and displaying Confidential Compute support. (PR #232)
  • Added the ability to prompt for payment type during instance creation. (PR #237)
  • Improved user experience by providing a template for new pull requests and enhancing prompting and labeling for instances. (PR #244, #247)
  • Improved CRN table functionalities like sorting and filtering. (PR #259)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Updated documentation with deprecation warnings and new features. (PR #196)
  • Fixed issues related to instance creation, listing, hypervisor selection, and confidential instances. (PR #216, #224, #234, #243, #246, #248, #251, #252)
  • Improved documentation and fixed formatting issues. (PR #249, #254)

What's Changed

  • Fix: Ensure consistent URL formatting in _get_ipv6_address by @1yam in #236
  • Chore(deps): Bump aiohttp from 3.9.5 to 3.10.2 by @dependabot in #239
  • Fix: revert upgrade: aiohttp 3.10.2 -> 3.9.5 by @philogicae in #242
  • Provide a template for new PRs by @olethanh in #244
  • Feature: prompt for payment type by @1yam in #237
  • Various fixes after tests by @philogicae in #243
  • Fix: Cross-device links crashed 'confidential-init-session' by @hoh in #246
  • Problem: Creating non coco instance resulted in invalud message by @olethanh in #248
  • Fix/improve prompting, labels, helper for instances by @philogicae in #247
  • Fix IPv6 in instance list + fix crash by @olethanh in #251
  • Fixes after instance tests by @philogicae in #252
  • Update PR template with details on documentation by @hoh in #249
  • Fix docs by @philogicae in #254
  • Confidential command: Pass hash vm_id and crn_url as argument by @olethanh in #255
  • Fix CRNtable, sort_by keys, autofiltering on reward_add/qemu/coco by @philogicae in #259
  • Feature: Allow PAYG using base by @1yam in #258

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.1-rc1...1.0.0


30 Jul 18:31
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0.7.1-rc1 Pre-release


The CLI client version 0.7.1-rc1 focuses on improving functionality, user experience, and code quality of the Aleph Client. Here's a breakdown of the key areas:.

New Features and Functionality

  • Introduced support for specifying the hypervisor type for instances.
  • Added a field for Single Page Applications (SPA) on domains.
  • Implemented the ability to specify a catch-all route for IPFS static content.
  • Enabled users to create confidential instances.
  • Integrated an interactive selector for choosing the CRN and displaying Confidential Compute support.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed relative import issues and runtime compatibility problems.
  • Improved error messages for better debugging.
  • Updated documentation with deprecation warnings and new features.
  • Migrated the project to use pyproject.toml.
  • Enhanced code quality by removing unused variables, adding type annotations, and refactoring code.
  • Removed support for macOS 11 in CI.

Other Changes

  • Updated the PR Difficulty Rating action.
  • Added a forbidden host to the list.

What's Changed

  • Fix relative import in by @MHHukiewitz in #200
  • Add deprecation messages and update docs by @MHHukiewitz in #196
  • Implement hypervisor field for instances by @nesitor in #199
  • Add SPA field on domains by @nesitor in #202
  • Updated PR Difficulty Rating action to version 2 by @MHHukiewitz in #201
  • Fix: Recent example_fastapi versions requires newer runtime by @hoh in #203
  • Fix: Passing to arg did not show help by @hoh in #204
  • Allow user to specify a catch all route page when using ipfs for static content by @aliel in #206
  • Fix: Project did not migrate to pyproject.toml by @hoh in #213
  • Fix: Unable to Create PAYG Instance from CLI by @hoh in #216
  • feat: add to list of forbidden host by @Psycojoker in #217
  • feat(models): type MachineInfo.from_unsanitized_input by @Psycojoker in #222
  • feat(network): more verbose message error for better debugging by @Psycojoker in #218
  • ci: remove macOS 11 support by @Psycojoker in #223
  • fix(node): add missing return type annotation by @Psycojoker in #221
  • refactor: remove unused variable by @Psycojoker in #220
  • Fix: wrong slug in pytest.yml by @hoh in #226
  • Refactor: Allow aleph instance list to handle PAYG by @1yam in #224
  • Add Qemu working runtimes by @nesitor in #228
  • Attempt to fix Codecov - it does not work in this repo by @hoh in #227
  • Feature: Operator command for instance by @1yam in #225
  • Interactive selector for choosing the CRN on which to run the instance + display Confidential compute support by @olethanh in #232
  • Problem: Hypervisor passed in parameter was not respected by @olethanh in #234
  • Add command to create and start a confidential instance by @olethanh in #235

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.7.1-rc1

Version 0.6.1 bugfixes and non-interactive domain use

23 Feb 16:04
@hoh hoh
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What's Changed

    • Update dependencies aleph-sdk-python and aleph-message
    • Fix CLI regression
    • Fix: Domain commands required interactive prompts

Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.6.1

Version 0.6.0: Rich Interactions with Instances & DNS

15 Dec 15:33
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The CLI client version 0.6.0 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the platform, introducing a suite of powerful new features and essential fixes that dramatically enhance its functionality and user experience.

Split into aleph-client and aleph-sdk-python

A substantial portion of the codebase has been migrated from the aleph-client to the new aleph-sdk-python, streamlining the architecture and paving the way for more robust and scalable development. This change clearly distinguishes between the CLI and SDK, making development with the SDK less bloated. Many improvements to the SDK since 0.5.1 and before the migration have been collected in these release notes.

Many UI/UX Improvements

In version 0.6.0, users can expect to find exciting new functionalities such advanced instance creation capabilities and custom domain support. The release also addresses critical fixes and improvements, ensuring greater stability and smoother operation. This release brings not only functional enhancements but also significant aesthetic and usability improvements, particularly through the integration of the rich library.

New CLI Commands

  • Instance Management Commands (#178 & #192):
    • aleph instance create: Creates a new instance with the help of a wizard.
    • aleph instance delete: Deletes or forgets an existing instance.
    • aleph instance list: Lists all your instances and how to connect to them.
  • Message Signing Command (#164):
    • aleph message sign: Allows users to sign JSON strings as Aleph messages.
    • aleph account sign-raw: Signs any UTF-8 encoded string, useful for dApp development.
  • CLI Version Command (#169):
    • aleph about version, aleph -v, aleph --version: Displays the current version of the Aleph CLI.
  • File Download Command (#175):
    • aleph file download <IPFS or item_hash>: Downloads a file using either its IPFS link or Aleph item hash.
  • Account, File, and Aggregate Commands (#177):
    • aleph account balance: Returns the balance of the current user or a specified address with --address.
    • aleph file list: Lists user files or files of a specific address with --address.
    • aleph file forget: Forgets a specified file.
    • aleph aggregate post: Posts a new aggregate (can also be used for updates).
    • aleph aggregate get: Retrieves an aggregate.
  • Node Management Commands with Filtering (#184):
    • aleph node compute: Lists all compute nodes.
    • aleph node core: Lists all core channel nodes.
    • Both commands support filtering based on the owner's address (--address) and node activity (--active).

Fixes and Improvements

  • Workflow Fixes (#176, #186): Corrected the test_build.yml workflow and made aleph instance delete use async.
  • Dependency Fixes (#179, #180, #181, #182): Addressed the missing requests dependency, upgraded aleph-message to version 0.4.1, replaced requests module with aiohttp, and fixed nuls2 dependencies.

Notable Refactoring and Migrations

  • Migrate Message Commands to SDK (#163, #166): Major code migration from aleph-client to aleph-sdk-python.
  • Removal of Unused/Moved Code (#166): Cleaned up the SDK by removing unused or migrated code.
  • Update and Restrict Dependency Versions (#189, #191): Updated aleph-sdk-python to version 0.8.0 and restricted dependency versions to be fixed.

The following features and fixes have occured before the migration:

New SDK Features:

  • POST /messages/ Endpoint Support (#135): get_message now uses the POST /messages/ endpoint with additional info.
  • Raw Storage File Retrieval (#134): Feature to get raw storage files (issue #60 addressed).
  • LocalVmCache for Testing (#133): Added LocalVmCache for more efficient testing.
  • Broadcast Function Refactoring (#139): Refactored the broadcast function for efficiency.

SDK Fixes & Improvements

  • Function Immutability (#132): Addressed issue with functions not being immutable to None.
  • Private Key Storage Location (#123): Changed to store the private key in the user's home instead of the current directory.
  • Code Formatting and Type Checking (#141, #142): Formatted examples with black and enabled type checking for examples.
  • ASGI 'Lifespan' Scope Support (#155): Resolved the lack of ASGI 'lifespan' scope support.
  • Balance Await Fix (#183): Corrected missing await in aleph account balance.
  • Importing Account Fix (#185): Resolved the issue with importing account from private key.

New Contributors

@1yam: Made his first contribution in pull request #163 and implemented many of the new commands (#175, #177, #184), so awesome! 🥇

All Pull Requests

Full Changelog: 0.5.1...0.6.0

Version 0.5.1

04 Jan 17:30
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.5.0...v0.5.1