I created this game to practice some logic using JavaScript, CSS and HTML things I have learned. I learn by doing so I find this to be more beneficial than just doing a tutorial.
I will likely use this method more going forward. Now that I'm in this project creation mode I can see turning this "logic"into another tool.
Click Start to begin your daily health check during flu season.
Your mission is to make it to the end of Flu Season without catching the flu.
The backend logic tallys your score in comparison with the magically generated number of flu days in the season [rng(100)];
Your current score is tallied each time you press the "Check Up" button
Your daily score is then added to the coughCount (total++coughCount)
Do not catch the flu!
If your total coughs equal or exceed the magic flu number you have caught the flu and you LOSE!
If you make it to the last day of the flu season without coughing too much, you WIN!
As a bonus way to win if you report no coughs during a check up you have earn seasonal flu immunity and keep it for the rest of flu seaon - WIN.
Days in the flu season are randomly generated 1 -31 Magic FluBug = a random number 1 - 100
This was fun, I'm glad to be back coding in JS and look forward to practicing more and doing similar challenges.