This repository and notebook contains code for in-progress implementation/experiments on Abstractive Text Summarization using Sequence-to-sequence RNNs and Beyond paper.
- Create conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env create -f environment-cpu.yml
- Activate environment
source activate abs-sum
-- gpu
source activate abs-sum-cpu
-- cpu
- Install dependencies (PyTorch, Fastai, etc) via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download
english module
python -m spacy download en
The dataset used is a subset of the gigaword dataset and can be found here.
It contains 3,803,955 parallel source & target examples for training and 189,649 examples for validation.
After downloading, we created article-title pairs, saved in tabular datset format (.csv) and extracted a sample subset (80,000 for training & 20,000 for validation). This data preparation can be found here.
An example article-title pair looks like this:
source: the algerian cabinet chaired by president abdelaziz bouteflika on sunday adopted the #### finance bill predicated on an oil price of ## dollars a barrel and a growth rate of #.# percent , it was announced here .
target: algeria adopts #### finance bill with oil put at ## dollars a barrel
Experimenting on the complete dataset (3M) would take a really long time (also $$$$). So in order to train and experiment faster we use our sample subset of 80,000.
- model architecture supports LSTM & GRU (biLSTM-to-uniLSTM or biGRU-to-uniGRU)
- implements batch data processing
- implements attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al. & Luong et al.(global dot))
- implements scheduled sampling (teacher forcing)
- implements tied embeddings
- initializes encoder-decoder with pretrained vectors (glove.6B.200d)
- implements custom training callbacks (tensorboard visualization for PyTorch, save best model & log checkpoint)
- implements attention plots
- Implement additional linguistic features embeddings
- Implement generator-pointer switch and replace unknown words by selecting source token with the highest attention score.
- Implement large vocabulary trick
- Implement sentence level attention
- Implement beam search during inference
- implement rouge evaluation