A basic dashboard application, a POC leveraging ngrx, based on Angular 4, Bootstrap 4, with Oauth 2 authentication.
The user can login and perform crud operations over a list of paths and goals belonging to each path.
Data are retrieved from a RESTful backend and presented to the user.
Responsible for authenticating the user, refreshing the access token behind the lines, clearing the Store.
Each path is made of goals. User can navigate and perform CRUD operations over both.
Just two components here, not-found and navigation bar.
Make sure you have Node.js installed (at least 6.10.0) and that the backend is up and running.
Navigate to the project folder and run:
npm i
Navigate to the project folder and run:
ng serve
the application is available at localhost:4200. Being the live-reload option true by default the page is reloaded if the application files change.
Navigate to the project folder and run:
npm start
a dist folder is built with AOT compilation and the application is available at localhost:8180
You'll be able to login with one of the following credentials:
username: user1
password: password1
Postman collection included.