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Chain Functions ⛓️

Version 2.0.0

Coverage Status Dependencies

Functions chaining made easy

The Chain class provides a utility for managing and executing chains of functions. Each function in the chain can optionally invoke the next function, enabling a flexible and composable flow of execution. This is particularly useful for scenarios such as middleware processing, data transformations, or handling asynchronous operations in a structured manner.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Run the following command to start using chain-functions in your projects:

npm i @alessiofrittoli/chain-functions

or using pnpm

pnpm i @alessiofrittoli/chain-functions

API Reference

Chain class

A utility class for managing and executing chains of functions.

Static Methods

Recursively executes a chain of functions.

Parameter Type Default Description
chain ChainFactory<T, U> - The chain of functions to execute. This must be an array of functions (ChainLink<T>), where the last function is of type LastChainLink. See Types section for further informations about.
index number 0 (Optional) The starting index for execution.


Type: T | U

The result of the chain execution, which matches the type of the chain's functions (T or U).

See Types section for further informations about.


Error if no function is found at the specified index.

import { Chain } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions'
import type { ChainLink, LastChainLink, ChainFactory } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions/types'

type ChainFunction = () => string

const function1: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `1-${ next() }`
const function2: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `2-${ next() }`
const function3: LastChainLink<ChainFunction> = () => () => 'end'

const chain: ChainFactory<ChainFunction> = [ function1, function2, function3 ]
const result = Chain.functions( chain )()

console.log( result ) // Output: '1-2-end'


Determines if the given function is the last function in the chain needed to type cast the last function with LastChainLink<U>.

This method is primarily used internally by the Chain.functions() method to determine when the chain execution should terminate.

Parameter Type Default Description
chain ChainFactory<T, U> - The chain of functions. See Types section for further informations about.
fn ChainLink<T> | LastChainLink<U> - The function to type cast. This can be either a regular chain link or the last chain link. See Types section for further informations about.
index number 0 (Optional) The current index of the function in the Chain.functions() recursion.


Type: boolean

Returns true if the given function is the last function in the chain, false otherwise.



Represents any callable function that can be invoked as part of the chain.

This is used internally to type cast other types template parameters.

ChainLink<T extends ChainFunction = ChainFunction>

Represents a single link in a chain of functions.

Parameter Type Description
next T The next function in the chain. Its return type must be of type of T.


Type: T

A function that can be invoked as part of the chain.

LastChainLink<T extends ChainFunction = ChainFunction>

Represents the last link in a chain of functions. Unlike ChainLink, it does not accept a next parameter.


Type: T

A function that can be invoked as the final step in the chain.

ChainFactory<T extends ChainFunction = ChainFunction, U extends ChainFunction = T>

Represents the complete chain of functions as an array.

  • Can contain any number of ChainLink<T> functions.
  • The last element in the array must be a LastChainLink<U>.

Key Features

  • Chain link functions are highly customizeable.
  • Chain link functions can be async functions.
  • The last chain link could return a different type (U) other than T from a standard ChainLink.


Importing the library

// importing the main `Chain` class
import { Chain } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions'
// importing types
import type { ChainLink, LastChainLink, ChainFactory } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions/types'
Basic usage
// define the chain link function type
type ChainFunction = () => string

// declare chain link functions
const function1: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `1-${ next() }`
const function2: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `2-${ next() }`
// declare the last chain function
const function3: LastChainLink<ChainFunction> = () => () => 'end'

// declare the chain array
const chain: ChainFactory<ChainFunction> = [ function1, function2, function3 ]
// execute the chain array
const result = Chain.functions( chain )()

console.log( result ) // Output: '1-2-end'

Advance usage
type ChainFunctionProps = {
	someProperty	: string
	firstFunction?	: boolean
	secondFunction?	: boolean
	thirdFunction?	: boolean
// define the chain link function type
type ChainFunction = ( props: ChainFunctionProps ) => ChainFunctionProps

// declare chain link functions
const function1: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => props => {
	// edit properties
	props.someProperty	= 'Edited by 1st function'
	props.firstFunction	= true
	// call the next function in the chain
	return next( props )

const function2: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => props => {
	props.secondFunction = true

	if ( props.someProperty === 'Edited by 1st function' ) {
		// stop chain execution if some condition is met.
		return props
	// call the next function in the chain
	return next( props )

// declare the last chain function
const function3: LastChainLink<ChainFunction> = () => props => {
	props.thirdFunction = true
	return props

// declare the chain array
const chain: ChainFactory<ChainFunction> = [ function1, function2, function3 ]
// declare the initial state
const initialState: ChainFunctionProps = {
	someProperty	: 'Initial value',
	firstFunction	: false,
	secondFunction	: false,
	thirdFunction	: false,
// execute the chain array with initial state
const result = Chain.functions( chain )( initialState )

console.log( result )
// Output: {
// 	someProperty	: 'Edited by 1st function',
// 	firstFunction	: true,
// 	secondFunction	: true,
// 	thirdFunction	: false,
// }

`LastChainLink` with custom return type
type ChainFunction = () => string
type LastChainFunction = () => boolean

const function1: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `1-${ next() }`
const function2: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => () => `2-${ next() }`
const function3: LastChainLink<LastChainFunction> = () => () => true

const chain: ChainFactory<ChainFunction, LastChainFunction> = [ function1, function2, function3 ]
const result = Chain.functions( chain )()

console.log( result ) // Outputs: '1-2-true'

`ChainLink` functions with promises
type ChainFunction = () => string | Promise<string>

const function1: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => async () => {
	// simulate a long task running
	await new Promise<void>( resolve => setTimeout( resolve, 5000 ) )
	return `1-${ next() }`
const function2: ChainLink<ChainFunction> = next => (
	// this function is executed once `function1` Promise get resolved.
	() => `2-${ next() }`
const function3: LastChainLink<ChainFunction> = () => () => 'end'

const chain: ChainFactory<ChainFunction> = [ function1, function2, function3 ]
const result = Chain.functions( chain )() // `result` is now a promise

console.log( await result ) // Outputs: '1-2-end'

Next.js middleware chain
// src/middleware.ts

import { NextMiddleware, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import { Chain } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions'
import type { ChainFactory, ChainLink, LastChainLink } from '@alessiofrittoli/chain-functions/types'

type Middleware			= ChainLink<NextMiddleware>
type LastMiddleware		= () => NextResponse<unknown>
type MiddlewareFactory	= ChainFactory<NextMiddleware, LastMiddleware>

const middleware1: Middleware = next => (
	async ( request, event ) => {
		const { nextUrl } = request

		if ( nextUrl === '...' ) {
			const rewriteUrl = '...'
			return (
					.rewrite( rewriteUrl )

		return next( request, event )


const middleware2: Middleware = next => (
	async ( request, event ) => {
		const response = await next( request, event )

		// do something with `response` returned by the next middleware.
		// ...

		return response

// ensures `` is called if no one stops the chain.
const lastMiddleware: LastChainLink<LastMiddleware> = () => () =>

const middlewares: MiddlewareFactory = [ middleware1, middleware2, lastMiddleware ]

export const config = {
	matcher: [
		 * Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
		 * - api (API routes)
		 * - _next/static (static files)
		 * - _next/image (image optimization files)
		 * - favicon.ico (favicon file)

// note that we do not execute the chain like in the previous examples since Next.js is responsible for the execution, providing `request` and `event` parameters to the `middleware` functions.
export default Chain.functions( middlewares )


Install depenendencies

npm install

or using pnpm

pnpm i

Build your source code

Run the following command to build code for distribution.

pnpm build

warnings / errors check.

pnpm lint

Run all the defined test suites by running the following:

# Run tests and watch file changes.
pnpm test:watch

# Run tests and watch file changes with jest-environment-jsdom.
pnpm test:jsdom

# Run tests in a CI environment.
pnpm test:ci

# Run tests in a CI environment with jest-environment-jsdom.
pnpm test:ci:jsdom

You can eventually run specific suits like so:

pnpm test:jest
pnpm test:jest:jsdom

Run tests with coverage.

An HTTP server is then started to serve coverage files from ./coverage folder.

⚠️ You may see a blank page the first time you run this command. Simply refresh the browser to see the updates.



Contributions are truly welcome!
Please refer to the Contributing Doc for more information on how to start contributing to this project.


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, we encourage you to responsibly disclose this and NOT open a public issue. We will investigate all legitimate reports. Email to disclose any security vulnerabilities.

Made with ☕

Alessio Frittoli |