FuseBox plugins and utilities for building Angular2 applications. Templating, Lazy Loaded Modules, and Spec Bundle support.
npm install ng2-fused --save-dev
Check out the ng2-fused-seed project for a working starter project utilizing the following plugins. Or fusebox-angular-universal-starter for a fully featured angular2 seed.
Wraps url strings for templateUrl and styleUrls inside of require statements. Inspired by angular2-template-loader for webpack.
Just call the Ng2TemplatePlugin()
within the FuseBox plugins array.
You should also use the RawPlugin so that the imported stylesheet gets exported as a text string.
const { FuseBox } = require('fuse-box');
const { Ng2TemplatePlugin } = require('ng2-fused');
const fuse = FuseBox.init({
homeDir: './src',
plugins: [
['*.component.html', RawPlugin()],
['*.component.css', RawPlugin()]
// or with a css pre/post processor...
// ['*.component.css', PostCss([precss()]), RawPlugin()]
selector: 'my-component',
templateUrl: './my.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my.component.css']
export class MyComponent {}
selector: 'my-component',
template: require('./my.component.html'),
styles: [require('./my.component.css')]
export class MyComponent {}
You can tweak the plugin with the following options:
- ignoreStyleUrls
- If true, will not convert the urls found within the styleUrls property.
- ignoreTemplateUrl
- If true, will not convert the url found within the templateUrl property.
- templateUrlPattern
- A RegExp object in case you need a custom pattern to match template urls.
- styleUrlsPattern
- A RegExp object in case you need a custom pattern to match style urls.
- urlStringPattern
- A RegExp object in case you need a custom pattern to match url strings.
plugins: [
Ng2TemplatePlugin({ ignoreStyleUrls: true })
** O.5 Breaking Changes ** - Version 0.5 changed the behaviour of this plugin to better work for both JIT and AOT builds.
Converts Angular2 lazy loaded routes within loadChildren properties utilize a custom NgModuleFactoryLoader that works with FuseBox bundles (even ones bundled with the Quantum plugin). Also has a utility that will automatically configure FuseBox to automatically code split modules based on folder naming conventions (module folders beginning with "+"). Inspired by angular2-router-loader for webpack.
The plugin should be configured as a top level plugin.
const { FuseBox } = require('fuse-box');
const { Ng2RouterPlugin } = require('ng2-fused');
const fuse = FuseBox.init({
homeDir: './src',
plugins: [
aot: config.aot,
autoSplitBundle: 'app',
vendorBundle: 'vendors'
You can tweak the plugin with the following options:
- aot
- Optional flag letting the plugin know whether or not this is an AOT build. Utilized to automatically handle module imports to look for .ngfactory extensions.
- aotAppPath
- The root app folder when building in aot build. Defaults to 'aot/app'.
- appPath
- The root app path folder. Defaults to 'app'.
- autoSplitBundle
- The name of the bundle to perform auto splitting on. If not set, auto splitting will be disabled.
Currently the switching between AOT and JIT sometimes causes issues when FuxeBox's cache is used. As a workaround, when a build is executed, the cache folder is first deleted.
This plugin allows for the creation of a spec bundle file that imports all spec files found in the project. This is more so required if using the QuantumPlugin. It should be used as a plugin for ONLY the bundle that the specs should be provided in.
By default this plugin tests for the file /spec-bundle\.(ts|js)$/
, if you wish for your spec bundle file to be named something different then you'll have to change this.
- cwd
- The path search for specs in, used for glob searching for spec files. Defaults to `"build/workspace"`.
- specPathPrefix
- Defaults to '../', used as a prefix to the spec file paths.
- specPattern
- Glob pattern for finding specs. Defaults to `"**/*.spec.ts"`
- Auto import of html and css for components if files are found in folder structure.
- More unit tests.
- More samples.
For a seed project utilizing FuseBox and Ng2Fused, check out https://github.com/alex-klock/ng2-fused-seed or https://github.com/patrickmichalina/fusebox-angular-universal-starter.