Digital Recipe Repository Built on a Custom Hypertext Framework
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The Book of Ps (i.e. Recipes) is a collaborative hypertext framework-based recipe repository. The site supports user login, authentication, and persistent user data storage via MongoDB. Users use our hypertext nodes to store recipes, create links to other nodes, and share their nodes with others (a la style of Google Docs). The key feature of the Book of Ps is the persistence of links between text, images, and nodes themselves across the whole system and user space. The website is deployed via Vercel and built with React, Typescript, and MongoDB.
The source code is not uploaded to comply with Brown's Academic Code.
The backend might not be up due to inactivity timeouts on free tier Render (backend deployment service).
Live site is available here.
Alex Lin -
Book of Ps the final project for CSCI 1951V.