The Course Enrollment System is a comprehensive C++ application with a GUI, designed to streamline course scheduling and management. The system provides functionality for students to enroll in courses and administrators to manage course information efficiently. It utilizes the SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) for GUI components and SQLite for database integration.
Student Features:
- Login and authentication function
- Browse and search for available courses.
- Enroll in courses, ensuring prerequisites are met.
- View and manage personal course schedules.
- Persistent data storage using SQLite.
- Optimized scheduling algorithms to manage complex enrollments.
- User-friendly graphical interfaces for students and administrators.
- Multiple pages including:
- Login Interface
- Course Search Page
- Main Dashboard
- Administrator Panel
- Programming Language: C++
- GUI Framework: SFML
- Database: SQLite
- Design Patterns:
- Factory Pattern
- Singleton Pattern
- Observer Pattern
- DAO (Data Access Object) Pattern
All images used in the project generated by ChatGPT:
├── Authentication.cpp/h # User authentication logic
├── Course.cpp/h # Course data and operations
├── CourseManager.cpp/h # Manages course-related actions
├── DatabaseManager.cpp/h # Handles SQLite database interactions
├── Scheduler.cpp/h # Optimized course scheduling algorithms
├── MainMenuInterface.cpp/h # GUI for the main menu
├── LoginInterface.cpp/h # GUI for user login
├── PrerequisiteChecker.cpp/h # Validates course prerequisites
├── assets/ # Images and resources for the GUI
└── CMakeLists.txt # Build configuration
Setup and Installation
Clone the Repository
Build the Project:
Ensure you have CMake and a C++ compiler installed.
Run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Run the Application:
Database reminder:
Database should have be created, if not run the SQL file in cmake-build-debug
Shaotian Li
Xiaowei Feng