School Evaluation System is a program for institutional use that allows a teacher to formulate evaluations in the different courses he/she is in charge of.
This program allows a teacher to enter the system and then view two sections, evaluations and students. In the evaluations section you can enter the questionnaires, workshops or exams that you have formulated for a course and then you can edit or delete an evaluation. You can also import or export evaluations. In the students section, you can create a new course by entering its name or select from the list the course you want to enter and then you will have a visualization of the list of students of that course, as well as the options to edit the information of a selected student and create a new student. You will also be able to import or export the list of students.
💡 The idea of the School Evaluation System project was born from the need for a total transition to technology due to the change to virtuality in education. This project seeks to provide a tool to any teacher in their evaluation management with students.
- Course Pane:
This pane is self-explanatory. From here, the teacher can visualize all of the students of a course, modify their info and create students.
Here you can find a brief video of our program where can understand how it works and how it looks.
This program was created unique and exclusively by Santiago Arévalo (santiagoarevalo) and Alexander Sánchez (ALEXJR2002).
The program design (functional requirements and class diagram) is documented in the following link
Lenguage: Java 1.8
Operative System: Windows 10 x64
Development Environment: Eclipse IDE