Sample workflow model for cross-compiling a MiSTerFPGA compatible arm64 ARMv7l Linux Kernel on an x64 Ubuntu host OS using the 5.x source tree.
Note: This assumes you will define a ${KERNEL_SRC_CFG_URL} source location variable that points to the respective .config source config location.
You can always find a compatible .config file in /proc/config.gz on any live MiSTer system. Simply extract and rename "config" to "linux-${KERNEL_SRC_VER}/.config"
Note: Build and ARMv7l GCC compilation performance tuning options below have proven to offer some basic filesystem and network I/O performance improvements.
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
export CFLAGS=" -O2 -pipe -mtune=cortex-a9 -g"