A Node.js back-end server with Restdb as database.
Made by Alexandre BOUSQUET and Hamza IKIOU, two students of the professional licence APIDAE.
Link to API Rest documentation
Link to the Deep Fried Recipes website (with the front-end)
- create an user
- login and get a JWT token
- edit profile
- Create recipe
- Read recipe (one or all)
- Update a recipe
- Delete a recipe
All the routes of this API.
// Get all the recipes
// Get the recipe with the ID in url
// Create the recipe with the attributes in the body request
// Delete the recipe with the ID in url
// Update the recipe with the ID in url with the attributes in the body request
// Create an user with the attributes in the body request
// Log in an user and give him a JWT to do other request
// Update an user with the attributes in the body request
# Install the dependencies in package.json
npm install
# Run the server on default port (5000)
npm start