Chatfoundry is a chatroom implementation using Kotlin/Redis, deployed to Cloud Foundry. The purpose of this app is to play with Cloud Foundry, and learn how to use it.
Tests are made using Pivotal Web Services (PWS), but you can also deploy this web on your own instance. You may use PCF Dev to deploy this app on your workstation.
You need a Java 8 SDK to build this app.
This project is using Maven 3.5+:
$ ./mvnw clean package
To deploy this app to PWS, use these commands:
$ cf login -a
$ cf create-service redis 30mb rediscloud
$ cf push
$ cf bind-service chatfoundry redis
If you are using a Cloud Foundry instance other than PWS, make sure you bind a Redis service to this app.
If you're running this app locally, you need a running Redis instance. You can use the official Redis Docker image:
$ docker run --name redis --rm -p "6379:6379/tcp" redis:5
The app should be available at Check command output or Apps Manager to get the real endpoint.