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By 311CAb Buzea Alexandru-Mihai-Iulian


Task 1: NINEL

	[Context]: Our character NINEL has a forest of trees of different heights
(which are integers) and he wants to determine the sum of the heights of the
special trees, the mean height of a special tree, the maximum height of a
special tree with an odd index and the minimum height of a special tree with
an even index. Note that a special tree is a tree which is taller than its
neighbours. (Ex. 7 8 6 9 2 => 8 and 9 are special trees, while 7, 6 and 2 are

	Solution (ninel.c): we retained the heights of three consecutive trees and
determined if the middle one is special, then based on its index (we have a
count variable) we process the special tree using the maximum/minimum algorithm
and we add it to the sum of the already-processed trees's heights. At the finish
of the algorithm, we determine the mean of the tree's heights (with 1e-7


	[Context]: For a number n (input), we can build a sequence of numbers in
this way: the first number from the sequence is n, then the following numbers
are built based on the following rule:

	The nth number = [Number got from the n-1th number with descending sorted 
digits] - [Number got from the n-1th number with ascending sorted digits]

	It can be proven that for any input n, our described sequence has a period.
We need to determine the length of the repeating sequence (its period) and the
numbers included in that period.

	Solution (vectsecv.c): we have an array, where we store the numbers given by
the sequence. With every newly generated number, we check if that number is
already in our array. The program stops when we find a second occurence of the
last generated number in our sequence. In this case, we check one more time
for the first occurence's index, and then print the length of the period and the
numbers included in that period.


	[Context]: Another character (Mihai) really wishes to get a scholarship,
and he decides to try to raise his marks. But he wants to determine if the
raised marks are enough to get a scholarship (exceed a minimum score).

	Solution (codeinvim.c): We used an array where we initially stored the
marks Mihai has, and then replaced each mark with the cost (number of points
Mihai lost by the fact he has not a full mark at that subject), given by the
formula: cost = (10 - mark) * credit_points. Then, we had a maximum function
that returned the maximum cost from our array, and modified that cost to 0
(a sloppy approach, because we could have sorted the array in descending
order in O(n * log(n)); it is fine though since this is one of my first
programming projects). If we consumed all costs, Mihai won't get a scholarship,
and we shall print "-1".

	[Context]: Our favourite character Gigel wants to write a program that checks
if a nonogram (japanese puzzle) is correctly solved.

	Solution (nomogram.c): We used an array in order to store the restrictions
(the value of each block's length). We have checked the nomogram for three cases:
	Case I: In our array, there are fewer blocks corresponding to the line i; in
this case, our nomogram is obviously wrong
	Case II: In our array, there blocks of different lengths of those in nonogram
(again, the nonogram is wrong)
	Case III: In our array, there are more blocks than in the nonogram (again,
a case when the nonogram is wrong).
	All these cases were treated in check_nmg() function. The main() function allows
to check multiple nonograms each time.


Task 1: NINEL
	La problema NINEL am retinut inaltimile a trei copaci consecutivi
(x, y si z), si am testat daca copacul din mijloc (y) este special. 
Daca este special, se analizeaza toate subcazurile posibile, pentru a 
determina minimul inaltimilor copacilor pari, maximul inaltimilor 
copacilor impari etc. Pentru suma inaltimilor am ales tipul long, deoarece
la numere mari de copaci depaseste tipul int. La final, actualizam valorile
inaltimilor (trecem la urmatorul triplet consecutiv)

	La problema VECTSECV am folosit mai multe functii pentru a determina 
numarul format cu cifrele in ordine descrescatoare/crescatoare folosind un
vector de frecventa (care imi contoriza numarul de cifre din fiecare tip)
si am memorat secventa de numere astfel obtinuta. In momentul in care 
am observat repetitia unui numar, am afisat numerele din secventa repetitiva
precum si numarul de astfel de numere.

	La problema CODEINVIM am folosit un vector in care am retinut intial
notele obtinute de elev, iar apoi am actualizat elementele cu valorile 
tuturor punctajelor (la fiecare materie) pe care elevul ar fi putut sa le
obtina, daca ar fi obtinut 10 la materia respectiva (= castigul adus de o
eventuala nota de 10 la marire). Apoi am identificat materia care aduce
cel mai mare castig si am inclus punctajul acesteia in punctajul final.
Daca am inclus toate punctajele si tot nu s-a realizat punctajul minim,
ne oprim si afisam valoarea -1 pentru num. 

	La problema NOMOGRAM am folosit un vector pentru retinerea 
restrictiilor pentru linii si coloane (numarul de blocuri colorate si
lungimea fiecarui bloc, precum si -1 ca delimitator). Esenta problemei 
este functia check_nmg, care returneaza 0 (eroare) in toate cele 3 cazuri:
	Cazul 1 : In vectorul de restrictii sunt mai putine blocuri decat in 
nonograma, caz in care nonograma clar nu e corecta.
	Cazul 2 : Lungimile blocurilor nu corespund cu cele din nonograma.
	Cazul 3 : In vectorul de restrictii sunt mai multe blocuri decat in
nonograma, caz in care, din nou, nonograma nu e corecta.
	In functia main am pastrat o structura simpla ce permite verificarea 
mai multor nonograme, cu respectarea conditiilor din enunt.



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