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alexblaessle edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the PyFRAP wiki!

What is FRAP?

Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) is a microscopy-based technique for measuring protein mobility. A fluorescent sample is exposed to a high-intensity pulse in a small region (ROI) of the sample, bleaching the fluorescence of the molecules within this region. Over time, the fluorescence in the bleached ROI recovers, resulting in a recovery curve that can be exploited to compute the rate of diffusion underlying this recovery.


What is PyFRAP?

Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) is a common way to assess molecular diffusion. PyFRAP is a novel simulation-based analysis software that makes use of PDE simulations to analyze FRAP experiments in 3D geometries. It uses the first post-bleach image as initial condition, making assumptions about the underlying initial conditions obsolete. PyFRAP can fit different reaction-diffusion models to FRAP data, providing quantitative information about effective diffusion.

PyFRAP comes with a full image analysis and simulation toolbox. In particular, PyFRAP can

  • Import FRAP datasets from timelapse experiments and analyze image data with various options such as
    • image filters
    • background subtraction
    • illumination correction
  • Simulate the FRAP experiment with exact interpolated initial conditions
  • Fit simulated experiment to analyzed data and extract diffusion coefficient
  • Statistical analysis of fitting results
  • Hierarchical data structure making data exchange/sharing easy
  • Comprehensive GUI, making almost all PyFRAP tools available

What is this wiki for?

In this wiki we explain how to

  • Properly install PyFRAP,
  • Analyze your first FRAP experiments with the PyFRAP GUI,
  • Use the PyFRAP package for scripting and running in the command line,
  • Use PyFRAP's ROI definition tool to define arbitrary ROIs,
  • Use PyFRAP's meshing capabilities to optimize your tetrahedral mesh to obtain optimal simulation results and construct geometries in PyFRAP.


Need help? Found a bug? Want to more about PyFRAP, FRAP? Don't hesitate to message or use the issue tracking system.