This assignment has starter code (in welcome.c
) that will print the strlen
of the first command-line argument (expected to be a name).
Your task is to add another print statement that prints the first character of that name, so that the full output looks like this:
$ clang welcome.c -o welcome
$ ./welcome Joe
Hi Joe, your name is 3 characters long according to strlen.
The first character of your name is J
Once you get that working, you can commit and push from the Codespace, and see your grade (check out the video for details).
After you've confirmed your solution works, see what the program does with your name.
Then, try these explorations:
Use a name with multiple parts, like
Joe Politz
. Try it both with and without quotes:./welcome Joe Politz
./welcome 'Joe Politz'
Try the name
Try the name
Try the name
(the Chinese surname Li/Lee)
(If you don't know how to type those characters, you can copy-paste from this README!)
What do you get as output? Edit this README file by copy-pasting or screenshotting the output you got, what you expected to see, and why there is a difference (if any).
(You can edit the README file in your codespace or on
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