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Releases: alexispurslane/quake-emacs

Fix org link rot and annoying lock files

31 Jan 16:33
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Merge pull request #39 from alexispurslane/develop

Fix org link rot and annoying lock files

More pervasive escape key

23 Jan 01:18
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  • Escape key now exits evil god state, avoiding the ESCESCESC trouble Vimmers would get into

Evil mode improvements

22 Jan 19:46
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Some major design changes have been made to evil mode in order to ease maintenance burden and streamline it:

  • Remove evil-collection, evil-org, and evil-textobj-tree-sitter for complexity and redundancy reasons
  • Simplify Evil mode behavior to make it make more sense
  • Add escape-dwim to evil layer so Emacs acts in a way more familiar to Vim users
  • Enable evil motion mode in all special Emacs buffers to regain some of the consistency of UI, but pass TAB and RET through to make it easier to use UIs through motion mode

These are interface-breaking changes so by semver the major version number should be increased, except that this is an optional package, so it gets demoted to a more minor feature release.

Fix optional/evil-layer and Quake version detection

22 Jan 00:37
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  • Removes smartparens from evil layer, since it's redundant with puni-mode
  • Moves evil-layer autoload early enough that the system that makes sure users don't add nonexistent layers knows it exists
  • Fix Quake's system for detecting updates

v2.0.0: Merge pull request #31 from alexispurslane/develop

07 Jan 03:44
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  • Pull evil and co entirely out into its own separate optional layer
  • Replace evil-mode with god-mode completely
  • Enable repeat mode (showing available repeat map options using which-key) and winner mode by default
  • Replace smartparens with puni-mode so that structural editing commands that use tree sitter but automatically fall back to syntax tables and then to sexps are available everywhere for all Quake-supported languages (and use puni-mode for expand-region functionality)
  • Replace mood-line with a slightly simplified and streamlined built in modeline for better information density
  • Switch back to Prot's spacious-padding plugin (configuring it to work properly (outside of pgtk emacs with extra frames) this time) to reduce maintenance burden and make things look even better
  • Switch from bespoke ad-hoc GC optimizations (such as tuning it to a much higher cons threshold and turning it off during init and minibuffer) with the Garbage Collector Magic Hack (GCMH), which causes GCs to mostly only run when Emacs is idle instead of while it's trying to do something or the user is trying to interact with it, for better responsiveness and less noticeable pausing, with a few custom configurations:
    • the GC threshold when Emacs operations are happening is set according to emacs-gc-stats and user experiments in the issues so that if Emacs is doing a truly huge amount of work and actually runs into the high GC threshold, the consequences still aren't too severe (this deals with Eli Zaretski's concerns with GCMH)
    • the GC idle timer is set to auto, meaning that it calibrates how much time it needs to do a new GC based on the average time of past GCs, and when it thinks it needs less time, it waits less idle time to start it, and when it things it needs more time, it waits more time (this is based on the statistical insight that if the user has been away for longer from Emacs, they're likely to be away for even longer still)
    • the base auto value set to the default of 15, leading to it by default GCing after extremely little time, essentially leading to a more intelligent application of this tip
  • Allow Quake Emacs to check for updates and update itself automatically from within the editor
  • Replace denote.el with a pure vanilla org mode zettelkasten system based on this
  • Simplify the word processor mode to focus on org-mode
  • Replace flymake-proselint and flyspell with flymake-vale for increased versatility and performance
  • Built an autocorrect feature on top of ispell
  • Further refine the keybindings, making them more standard
  • Further refine org mode configuration and remove unnecessary packages (such as latex-preview-pane-mode)
  • Enable asynchronous dired operations by default!
  • Respect user font settings and more reliably apply font settings


19 Nov 02:04
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As far as I know, I've fixed all the errors that crop up during installation, fixed all of the jank, etc. I also added a message for during installation to reassure people. This should be ready for other people to test out!


04 Jun 01:46
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v1.0.0-alpha.6 Pre-release

Please check #10. Major change is switching how the leader key keybindings work to something far cooler and more vanilla friendly and more concise.


30 May 22:22
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v1.0.0-alpha.5 Pre-release

Probably should just make this a 1.0 at some point, but that damn error halfway through install is still a blocker.


25 May 01:44
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v1.0.0-alpha.4 Pre-release


See #6

Blocking Issues

  • Eglot ensure now works
  • Corfu crash seems to have disappeared?
  • Still don't know why it crashes halfway through setup.


24 May 21:23
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v1.0.0-alpha.3 Pre-release


Please check #5 for details.

Blockers for official 1.0 release

  • Need to find out why the first install fails halfway through and requires Emacs to be restarted and/or do it automatically