This project created to develop my own blog. Making my own blog instead of using a template or a ready made site is an attempt to understand web development more. Personally, I have never been too interested in web development but I see immense value in having the ability to hand craft a website that is accessible to anyone around the world. The purpose of this blog was originally post my LeetCode solutions/personal projects as a way to document my studying/findings. This way I gain a better understanding and someone who visits my site will (hopefully) learn something.
This SSR website is deployed on Vercel. If you would like to visit this website click here.
Note: to view dependencies view package.json.
Note: to set up your content management system to match mine would be a nightmare since I have deviated from the original tutorial linked in references significantly.
Create .env file in root directory in this format:
YouTube tutorial by JavaScript Mastery Build and Deploy THE BEST Modern Blog App with React | GraphQL, NextJS, Tailwind CSS.