Software designed to analyse trending videos and display which tags are popular.
Python 3.8
Google APIs Client Matplotlib
- pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
- pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
- pip install --upgrade matplotlib
Download YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_FILE.json and place in directory, this is done following the api setup tutorial provided by Google.
- Run, this will produce Json files containing popular YouTube videos with respective meta data.
- Run, this extracts the desired analytical data and and simplifies the format for further processing.
- Run, this opens the generated file and can be used to manipulate or view the data acquired. Optional: Run if tag definitions are outdated and/or you would like to customise them.
- Directory of data stored relative to day date.
- Directory selection and data visualisation.
- View topics and respective views followed by a break-down.
Alex Sikorski