A basic demonstration of Unity knowledge. This project simulates entities in a popular street in Akihabara, Japan.
Cars drive along the streets and pick a random destination at the intersection. They avoid hitting other cars with a CarView object. They stop at intersections when the "signal" is red. If there is a collision, objects in the intersection will be removed after a short time.
Pedestrians are spawned out of view. They are agents confined to the sidewalk unless they are allowed to cross the street. They continue walking until they reach a random destination, which should also be out of view. Pedestrians have no collision detection with cars.
Trains pass by every once in a while. They can be seen in camera position 1 and can be seen in more detail in camera position 3. Camera position 3 reveals that passengers are being loaded and off-loaded when the train pulls into the station.
- NavMesh Agents and Obstacles
- Basic camera control
By understanding how changing parameters, such as pedestrain density and speed limit, can affect traffic flow in a dense, metro area, the best way to get the most people to their destination can become clear.
- Speed Limit (max. speed for cars)
- Pedestrian Spawn Rate (how often agents spawn)
- Signal Interval (interval for traffic signals)
- Time Scale (speed of everything in project)
Changes the position of the user's view. Position 3 gives a better view of the train and the passengers.