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Simple web app Flutter project

This repo is a very simple web app with Flutter following the basic tutorial.

A working production URL is deployed at

Some basic commands


 flutter channel beta
 flutter upgrade
 flutter config --enable-web
flutter pub global activate devtools

To run DevTools from CLI:

flutter pub global run devtools 

And open DevTools UI in the browser at

Run with Chrome browser

If chrome is detected properly by flutter

This command will attempt to open a new Chrome browser and run the app in Debug mode.

flutter run -d chrome

You should see a URL for debugging:

🔥  To hot restart changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and refresh
the browser), press "R".
For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".
Debug service listening on ws://

If you have DevTools running, drop the above URL into DevTools to connect the debugger.

If chrome is not detected by flutter

Run with this command

flutter run --web-port <port-number>

(Specify option --web-hostname= to make the web server to listen on all interfaces so that it is accessible outside localhost)

The output will look like this

lib/main.dart is being served at http://localhost:<port-number>/

Open chrome browser and visit the URL to open the app.

Run tests

flutter test

Build web deployment

flutter build web

(To build a version for performance profiling, use flutter build web --profile)

The build outputs will be under build/web directory. This can be served with a simple HTTP server, such as one from Python

cd build/web

python3 -m http.server 8000


Zeit ( now CLI is used for deployment. The CLI can be installed following the instruction at A simple configuration file now.json is used with the cli.

  • To deploy for testing
> now -A now.json

The output will look like this

> Deploying flutter-simple-web-app under <user-id>
> Using project flutter-simple-web-app
> Synced 1 file [2s]
> https://flutter-simple-web-app-<some-random-id> [9s]
> Ready! Deployed to https://flutter-simple-web-app.<user-id> 
  • To deploy to production
> now -A now.json --prod

The output will look like this

> Deploying flutter-simple-web-app under <user-id>
> Using project flutter-simple-web-app
> https://flutter-simple-web-app-<some-random-id> [3s]
> Ready! Deployment complete [8s]
- https://flutter-simple-web-app.<user-id> [in clipboard]

Github Actions

.github/workflows/main.yml contains the Github Actions workflow for running Flutter test and build and deploy with zeit now cli.

This is a sample screenshot of a successful workflow:

Build artifacts used for deployment can be downloaded from the top right corner Artifacts drop-down.


  • The project was created following this page

  • Build for deployment instructions

  • What's not to commit to git