This project provides a Discord bot that interacts with the Axie Infinity marketplace on the Ronin Network. The bot is capable of performing transactions using a private key. Please exercise caution when deploying this bot, as it can execute transactions on behalf of the private key specified in the .env file.
- Node.js 20.x
- npm
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values:
Complete your environment variables. Fetching discord credentials is covered in detail in the getting started guide.
cp .env.example .env
- Install discord commands
npm run install-commands
- Deploy the bot to vercel
vercel --prod
- Configure your discord bot INTERACTIONS ENDPOINT URL to use the deployed bot vercel url + /interactions. For example: in the discord developer portal. (
- /axie_info $AXIE_ID - Get axie info
- /wallet - Get bot wallet account info (ronin address, balance, etc)
- /axie_buy $AXIE_ID - Buy the given axie
- /axie_sale $AXIE_ID $PRICE - Create a sale order for the given axie
- /axie_sale_all $PRICE - Create a sale order for all axies
- /axie_cancel_sale $AXIE_ID - Cancel sale order for the given axie
- /axie_cancel_sale_all - Cancel all sale orders
- /axie_transfer $AXIE_ID $ADDRESS - Transfer axie to the given address
- /axie_transfer_all $ADDRESS - Transfer all axies to the given address
Feel free to contribute to this project. Any help is appreciated!