RamPyro-Bot is a modular telegram user that runs on Python3 with a pyrogram library.
I made this repository to have fun while helping you manage the group efficiently and to help reduce boredom when using telegram.
I am not responsible for the abuse of this bot.
Use this bot with your own risk.
Use this userbot wisely.
When you have installed this userbot, it means you are ready with the risks.
Anda memerlukan APP ID & API HASH Telegram untuk mengambil sesi Pyrogram. ambil APP ID dan API Hash di my.telegram.org
- Generate Session via Repl
- Generate Session via Telegram String Generation Bot
- git clone https://github.com/izzy-adeeva/RamPyro-bot
- cd RamPyro-bot
- pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- cp sample-config.env .env
- nano .env (isi vars)(save)
- screen -S RamPyro-bot
- bash start
- seduh kopi, bakar roko, nyender
(tested on ubuntu 20-22 / python 3.9 - 3.10.14)
- Follow Channel @userbotch untuk info Update bot
- Gabung Group @ramsupportt untuk diskusi, pelaporan bug, dan bantuan tentang PyroKar-Userbot.
- Dan for Pyrogram
- Risman for PyroMan-Userbot
- Arman for PyroKar-Userbot
- Rama for RAM-UBOT
Special Thanks To Everyone Who Has Helped Make This Userbot Awesome!
- TeamDerUntergang : SedenUserBot
- TheHamkerCat : WilliamButcherBot
- TeamYukki : YukkiMusicBot
- ITZ-ZAID : Zaid-UserBot
- Tofikdn : Tede
- Toni : Prime-UserBot
- Hadi : hdiiofficial
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 All designs were created by @mrismanaziz