Pinset has been promoted as one of the languages of the Epsilon project from the Eclipse Foundation, where it is actively maintained. You can check the current documentation of Pinset here.
This repository is only maintained for archival/historical purposes.
author = {Alfonso de la Vega and
Pablo S{\'{a}}nchez and
Dimitrios S. Kolovos},
editor = {Antonia Bertolino and
Vasco Amaral and
Paulo Rupino and
Marco Vieira},
title = {Pinset: {A} {DSL} for Extracting Datasets from Models for Data Mining-Based
Quality Analysis},
booktitle = {11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications
Technology, {QUATIC} 2018, Coimbra, Portugal, September 4-7, 2018},
pages = {83--91},
publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
year = {2018},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/QUATIC.2018.00021},
Pinset is a domain specific language that allows to extract two-dimensional datasets from models. It is implemented atop the Epsilon platform.
- Epsilon (Interim Update Site). [link]
- Download and import the provided projects into an eclipse workspace.
- Start an eclipse instance in your workspace. Double click any of the projects and select Run as > Eclipse Application.
- In the new instance, you will have access to a pinset editor plus creation and configuration wizards. You can find some pinset examples in a separate repository.
If you wish to make modifications to pinset's grammar, you need to download the following projects into the folder that contains this repository:
- Epsilon repository (download the Users repository in the Source Code tab). [link]
- Antlr version adapted for Epsilon: [link]
You can recreate the parser by running the ant task es.unican.istr.pinset.engine/build-pinset-parser.launch.
Eclipse Public License - v1.0