Tool to categorize files once they are moved to a directory.
This tool allows you to define multiple directories to observe and allows you to define custom file formats and rules to follow.
The use of pip-tools is recommended to install required dependencies.
# Install virtualenv package for Python:
pip install virtualenv
# Create virtual environment named Dispatcher:
virtualenv Dispatcher
# or
virtualenv -p python3 Dispatcher
# Activate virtual environment:
source Dispatcher/bin/activate
# Deactivate virtual environment:
# Install required pip-tools for requirements installation:
alias py='python -m pip'
py install pip-tools
# Move to root project directory:
cd /project_root/
# Read requirements to install:
pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt
# Install required packages:
Launch tool:
# Start main:
python src/
# or you can specify a configuration file:
python src/ /path/custom_config.ini
Configurations file example:
# Legend
# [opt] := optional parameter
# [dft] := default value
# [mnd] := mandatory parameter
# [opt] - Log directory. If no directory will be specified no log file will be created
# [dft] -
log.dir = /var/log
# [opt] - Directory for temporary files
# [dft] - /tmp
# tmp = /Volumes/Ramdisk/tmp
# [opt] - Threads for files handling
# [dft] - 2
threads = 3
# [mnd] - Specify files' extensions
# NOTE: directories and files without extension will be ignored
formats = {
'F1' : [ '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mp4', '.mp3', '.gif', '.png' ],
'F2' : [ '.odt', '.txt', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.pptx', '.ppt' ]
# [mnd] - Specify source directories to observe
sources = {
'S1' : '/Volumes/Ramdisk/Downloads',
'S2' : '/Volumes/Ramdisk/Downloads_2'
# [opt] - Frequency (seconds) for checking new files
# [dft] - 1
sources.timeout = 0.5
# [mnd] - Specify destination directories
# NOTE: all not existing destinations directories will be created
# NOTE 2: files with the same name of new ones will be overwritten
destinations = {
'D1' : '/Volumes/Ramdisk/ALL',
'D2' : '/Volumes/Ramdisk/Media',
'D3' : '/Volumes/Ramdisk/Documents'
# [mnd] - Create rules
# Every rule must have 'format', 'sources' and 'destinations' keys.
# - 'format' key specify which file format to filter
# - 'sources' key specify which directory to observe
# - 'destinations' key specify where files, which match 'format' key, will be moved in
rules = {
'R1' : {
'formats' : [ 'F1' ],
'sources' : [ 'S2' ],
'destinations' : [ 'D2' ]
'R2' : {
'formats' : [ 'F2' ],
'sources' : [ 'S1', 'S2' ],
'destinations' : [ 'D3' ]
'R3' : {
'formats' : [ 'F1', 'F2' ],
'sources' : [ 'S1', 'S2' ],
'destinations' : [ 'D1' ]