Project Architecture
Technical details
💡 GameMode: Defined as general game rules and behavior.
Level: Responsible for creating the game's visual and sound scene
PlayerControler: Responsible for the commands that the game character can understand and execute.
💡 GameState: Storing and managing global game information that all players need access to during the match.
Server: Managing the game rules, updating the state of the virtual world according to the players' actions.
MultiCast: Allows the server to send a single message to multiple players simultaneously
RepNotify : Synchronize the state of duplicated random variables between the server and clients
💡 Widget: Creates the user interface (UI) elements that players interact with during gameplay.
Logic: Build the scene, move the pieces, check the game conditions, call animations and other functions.
💡 PlayState: Centralizes the data that needs to be shared and synchronized between the server and all connected clients.
Request: Fulfill data requests related to player information for this multiplayer game.
Replicate: Synchronizes data between the server and clients, ensuring all players have insight into each other's actions.
💡 Steam Multiplayer: Responsible for connecting the game to the Steam platform, using the official Steam plugin.
Steam Session: Implements the functionality of multiplayer sessions with Steam support, allowing players to:
Steam Plugin: Ensures integration with Steam APIs for authentication, friend management, and other features.
Server Browsing: Displays a list of available servers, with information about capacity, ping, and match status, to facilitate matchmaking.
How to Run the Game STEAM
1 ° Download the Files.
2 ° Unzip the Files.
3 ° Open Steam.
4 ° Run the Game with the EXE Extension.
Run the game on the same screen (co-op local)
1 ° Download the Files.
2 ° Unzip the Files.
3 ° Open the executable for the first time.
4 ° Open the executable for the second time.
5 ° Make sure you have 2 screens open.
6 ° Record the name of the 1nd player and his color.
7 ° Record the name of the 2nd player and his color.
8 ° Start playing when both players are registered.