PWM - simple terminal password and something more manager
gpg --full-generate-key
go install
pwm init
pwm completion zsh > ~/tmp/pwm
# It's better to put this command in your shell configuration, for example ~/.zshrc
source ~/tmp/pwm
To see available commands use:
pwm help
Store new password or note:
pwm store remote_server_ip ""
# or
pwm store github-token "my_github_token"
Get password or note:
pwm get remote_server_ip
# or (if you need see and copy)
pwm get github-token --clip
Only copy:
pwm copy github-token
Remove password or note:
pwm rm remote_server_ip
Get all passwords or notes:
pwm list
Generate new password:
pwm generate --len 32 --clip --save password_name
All flags for generate password:
-c, --clip save to clipboard
-h, --help help for generate
-l, --len int password len. (default 12)
-s, --save string save note by name
-D, --without-digits dont use digits
-S, --without-specials dont use special symbols
-U, --without-uppers dont use upper case symbols