This project was completed a while ago and does not reflect my current level of knowledge in this domain.
I am Alhan Keser, a 10+ year specialist in Web Experimentation (aka A/B Testing, Conversion Optimization).
This is an original analysis of Citi Bike station data from May-June 2019 to find out what affect the day of week, time of day, and weather (temperature, precipitation, etc...) have on the availability of bikes at station-, neighborhood-, and borough-levels.
- I wanted to push myself to extract and transform my own data. Skipping the entire ETL process and going straight into analysis is a luxury: it does not reflect reality.
- Doing a time-series analysis is something that I wanted practice with.
- I commute by bike every day (despite weather) so I have first-hand evidence that Citi Bike riders tend to shy away from biking in inclement weather. It will be interesting to visualize the differences here.
- Combined original data sources:
- Created cron jobs to collect Citi Bike station statuses for all ~858 stations, every 3 minutes, for ~2 months.
- Total rows in final table: 5,800,274
- "Why stop after 2 months," you ask? Because my server ran out of space while I was on vacation. Here's what that looks like:
- Created a mini-ETL process to transform data into the final output used below.
- Along the way, there were many errors, some of which I will resolve here.
Importing a few packages that will help with describing, cleaning and visualizing things.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from darksky import forecast
import random
import warnings
import time
from datetime import datetime as dt
from dateutil.parser import parse
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
I started by find an interesting data source. In this case, I found the Citi Bike Station Feed via the NYC Open Data site.
The feed shows the latest statuses of ~858 Citi Bike stations. Below is a list of values per station and sample data for each. Any keys left blank are often blank in the data source as well, which I'll address in later steps.
key | sample value |
id |
285 |
stationName |
"Broadway & E 14St" |
availableDocks |
20 |
totalDocks |
53 |
latitude |
40.73454567 |
longitude |
-73.99074142 |
statusValue |
"In Service" |
statusKey |
1 |
availableBikes |
31 |
stAddress1 |
"Broadway & E 14 St" |
stAddress2 |
"" |
city |
"" |
postalCode |
"" |
location |
"" |
altitude |
"" |
testStation |
false |
lastCommunicationTime |
"2019-09-12 08:38:21 PM" |
landMark |
"" |
To have a back-up in case any of the subsequent steps went awry, I wanted to store the source data in the simplest way possible: a table stations_raw
that stored the following:
column_name | data_type | sample value |
id | int4 | 31419 |
status | json | {"executionTime": "2019-06-22 01:53:41 PM", "s... |
Once the table created, I needed a way to collect data. A quick solution -- for me -- was to create a Laravel application that makes it easy create console commands. In combination with Laravel Forge, it's easy to set up a cron job that triggers the necessary command at set intervals.
Once the commands created, I set up a cron job that ran once every 3 minutes. This resulted in the collection of 41,325 rows.
As part of the same command that creates the stations_raw table, I flattened out the JSON and created a table with a single row per 3-minute interval, per station. We'll call this table stations_flat
(probably could have used a better naming convention throughout this project).
Here is the structure of stations_flat
and some sample data:
column_name | data_type | sample value | description |
id | int4 | 10511778 | row id |
station_id | int4 | 72 | unique id for each station |
available_bikes | int4 | 4 | number of available bikes at the station |
available_docks | int4 | 49 | number of available docks (places to park a bike) at the station |
station_status | text | In Service | whether the station is in or out of service |
last_communication_time | timestamp | 2019-05-15 01:14:15 | the last time the station sent back data |
After just over 2 months of this, I ended up with 34,301,048 rows in this table. Luckily, I took some steps to make the volume of data more manageable when analyzing outside of a high CPU/RAM environment.
As the name suggests, stations_static
contains information about each station that doesn't change minute-to-minute. Since there was a likelihood that stations be added, removed, renamed, I inserted or updated on duplicate each time stations_flat
was updated.
column_name | data_type | sample value | description |
id | int4 | 3119 | unique station_id found throughout db |
name | text | Vernon Blvd & 50 Ave | |
latitude | float8 | 40.74232744 | |
longitude | float8 | -73.95411749 | |
status_key | int4 | 1 | |
postal_code | text | NULL | |
st_address_1 | text | Vernon Blvd & 50 Ave | |
st_address_2 | text | NULL | |
total_docks | int4 | 45 | |
status | text | In Service | |
altitude | text | NULL | |
location | text | NULL | |
land_mark | text | NULL | |
city | text | NULL | |
is_test_station | int4 | 0 |
As can be seen from the stations_static
table above, many of the location-related values are null. This was the case for all stations. I wanted to be able to group stations by neighborhood and zip. Also, I wanted to use zip to associate weather data to each station, without having to make separate requests for each station (to stay within the free tier of the Dark Sky Weather API).
To geocode from lat/long for each station into human-readeable location info, I used the Google Geocoding API. See the command I used to create the below table
column_name | data_type | sample value | description |
id | int4 | 1 | |
station_id | int4 | 3119 | unique station id |
zip | text | 11101 | zip code of station |
hood_1 | text | LIC | neighborhood or the closest thing provided by Google |
hood_2 | text | Hunters Point | another level of neighborhood |
borough | text | Queens | one of 5 NYC boroughs or New Jersey |
Grouping stations by zip, I then called the Dark Sky Weather API once every hour to build the weather
table. Reducing the scope to zip made it possible to stay within the free plan limits of Dark Sky.
column_name | data_type | sample value | description |
id | int4 | 1 | |
time_interval | timestamptz | 2019-05-02 01:00:00-04 | the 15-minute interval of time to associate the weather data to |
summary | text | Foggy | a categorical label for weather conditions |
precip_intensity | float8 | 0 | percent percipitation intensity |
temperature | float8 | 61.45 | temperature in Fahrenheit |
apparent_temperature | float8 | 61.89 | "feels-like" temperature |
dew_point | float8 | 60.82 | |
humidity | float8 | 0.98 | percent humidity |
wind_speed | float8 | 3.11 | speed in MPH |
wind_gust | float8 | 5.38 | gusts in MPH |
cloud_cover | float8 | 1 | percent cloud cover |
uv_index | float8 | 0 | |
visibility | float8 | 3.18 | |
ozone | float8 | 316.23 | |
status | text | observed | one of two values ("predicted"/"observed") depending on if the weather values are from the past or the future |
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on discussing cron jobs, but here are the patterns I was using to run everything. There is probably a more optimal approach that I am not aware of.
Cron | Command |
*/3 * * * * | get:docks && update:availability 0 && update:weather |
0 */2 * * * | get:weather 0 |
View the code behind each command:
Once I had the 1 raw table and 4 tables above updating as expected, I created a single, flat table that had the final data I intended to use for analysis. I kept most columns except some of the minutiae of the weather
table. This table was updated regularly such that I could run analyses on an on-going basis and avoid having to run a massive, single query after all data had been collected.
Below is the flat table availability
that combined the above tables, purpose-built for analysis. Note that available_bikes is the minimum number of bikes available during any of the 3-minute intervals during which samples were collected over the course of each 15-minute interval.
column_name | data_type |
time_interval | timestamptz |
station_id | int4 |
station_name | text |
station_status | text |
latitude | float8 |
longitude | float8 |
zip | text |
borough | text |
hood | text |
available_bikes | int4 |
available_docks | int4 |
weather_summary | text |
precip_intensity | float8 |
temperature | float8 |
humidity | float8 |
wind_speed | float8 |
wind_gust | float8 |
cloud_cover | float8 |
weather_status | text |
created_at | timestamptz |
updated_at | timestamptz |
First things first, I wanted to reduce the number of stations I was analyzing. The availability
table resulted in nearly 6 million rows after 2 months, so I decided to export a subset of "interesting" stations to begin analyzing. Below is the query I used to find the interesting stations, based on whether there is a high variability in number of bikes, that the bikes regularly get refilled, and that the station has a decent number of bikes. I also limited the number of stations per neighborhood to 1.
with variability as (
max(available_bikes) as max_bikes,
sum(case when available_bikes = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as times_no_bikes,
sum(case when available_docks = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as times_replenished
station_status = 'In Service'
group by
station_id, station_name, hood, borough
percentiles as (
ntile(100) over (order by max_bikes asc) max_bikes_percentile,
ntile(100) over (order by times_no_bikes asc) no_bikes_percentile,
ntile(100) over (order by times_replenished asc) times_replenished_percentile
order by times_no_bikes
ranks as (
(max_bikes_percentile + no_bikes_percentile + times_replenished_percentile) as score,
rank() over (partition by hood order by (max_bikes_percentile + no_bikes_percentile + times_replenished_percentile) desc) as rank
max_bikes_percentile > 40
and no_bikes_percentile > 50
and times_replenished_percentile > 50
ranked_by_hood as (
rank = 1
order by
score desc
availability as a
ranked_by_hood as rbh
on a.station_id = rbh.station_id;
The query above reduced the nearly 6 million rows down to 186,000. The csv export used for the analysis below can be found here.
As can be seen below, without much digging, it's easy to spot some data quality/consistency issues:
is being converted to an integer and thus dropping the 0, which is may or may not be an issue. If wish to solve problem #1 then this chould be an issue.weather_status
should be 'observed' for all locations rather than 'predicted' since the dates are in the past.
date_cols = ['time_interval', 'updated_at', 'created_at']
df = pd.read_csv('../input/availability_interesting_original.csv', parse_dates=date_cols)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 186030 entries, 0 to 186029
Data columns (total 21 columns):
station_id 186030 non-null int64
station_name 186030 non-null object
station_status 186030 non-null object
latitude 186030 non-null float64
longitude 186030 non-null float64
zip 186030 non-null int64
borough 186030 non-null object
hood 186030 non-null object
available_bikes 186030 non-null int64
available_docks 186030 non-null int64
time_interval 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
created_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
weather_summary 88053 non-null object
precip_intensity 88053 non-null float64
temperature 88053 non-null float64
humidity 88053 non-null float64
wind_speed 88053 non-null float64
wind_gust 88053 non-null float64
cloud_cover 88053 non-null float64
weather_status 88053 non-null object
updated_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](3), float64(8), int64(4), object(6)
memory usage: 29.8+ MB
print(df.head(3)) #printing to improve how this looks in the markdown file
station_id station_name station_status latitude longitude zip \
0 3195 Sip Ave In Service 40.730897 -74.063913 7306
1 3195 Sip Ave In Service 40.730897 -74.063913 7306
2 3195 Sip Ave In Service 40.730897 -74.063913 7306
borough hood available_bikes available_docks \
0 New Jersey Journal Square 1 33
1 New Jersey Journal Square 0 34
2 New Jersey Journal Square 0 34
time_interval created_at weather_summary precip_intensity \
0 2019-05-12 22:45:00 2019-05-13 02:45:04 Overcast 0.0
1 2019-05-12 22:30:00 2019-05-13 02:30:04 Overcast 0.0
2 2019-05-12 22:15:00 2019-05-13 02:15:05 Overcast 0.0
temperature humidity wind_speed wind_gust cloud_cover weather_status \
0 44.86 0.91 6.85 9.65 1.0 predicted
1 44.86 0.91 6.85 9.65 1.0 predicted
2 44.86 0.91 6.85 9.65 1.0 predicted
0 2019-05-13 02:45:04
1 2019-05-13 02:45:04
2 2019-05-13 02:45:04
The issue related to zip codes is related to New Jersey's that start with a zero. There are two options to fix this:
- Mutate the existing column to a string and insert a 0 to the beginning of the incorrect zip.
OR - Read the csv with dtype specified as
for thezip
Going to go with option #2 and re-import the csv correctly, then check that zip
is in fact treated as a string:
date_cols = ['time_interval', 'updated_at', 'created_at']
data_types = {'zip': str}
df = pd.read_csv('../input/availability_interesting_original.csv', parse_dates=date_cols, dtype=data_types)
As for why weather_status is not set to 'observed', which would mean that the weather data my be inaccurate (since only the predicted weather was captured), I will need to first measure the extent of the problem, then remedy by fetching the correct weather data.
First, let's get an understanding of the rows affected:
['predicted' 'observed' nan]
print('Weather Status: ')
print(df[df['weather_status'] == 'predicted'].count()[0], str(round(df[df['weather_status'] == 'predicted'].count()[0]/df.count()[0]*100)) + '%' , ' Predicted')
print(df[df['weather_status'] == 'observed'].count()[0], str(round(df[df['weather_status'] == 'observed'].count()[0]/df.count()[0]*100)) + '%', ' Observed')
print(df[df['weather_status'].isna()].count()[0], str(round(df[df['weather_status'].isna()].count()[0]/df.count()[0]*100)) + '%'' NAs')
Weather Status:
6448 3.0% Predicted
81605 44.0% Observed
97977 53.0% NAs
It is apparent that there is a larger issue here: we have nan
values in the weather_status
column! Let's assume that there is no option to go back and re-run the original commands that fetched the weather data in the first place and that I will have to do this all here...
Let's see which stations are affected by the missing weather_status data:
['UES' 'Williamsburg' 'LIC' 'New York County' 'Yorkville' 'UWS'
'Journal Square' 'Park Slope' 'Downtown Brooklyn' 'Chelsea'
'Prospect Heights' 'Crown Heights' 'Lincoln Square' 'Alphabet City'
'Canal Street' 'Financial District' 'Little Italy' 'Tribeca'
'Ukrainian Village' 'Battery Park City' 'West Village' 'Clinton Hill'
'Lower East Side' "Hell's Kitchen" 'Midtown East' 'Peter Cooper Village'
'Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village']
['10075' '11249' '11101' '10022' '10028' '10024' '07306' '11215' '11201'
'10011' '11238' '10023' '10009' '10013' '10004' '10007' '10003' '10282'
'10014' '11205' '10002' '10036' '10010']
print('Start: ', df[df['weather_status'].isna()][['time_interval']].values[0])
print('Finish: ', df[df['weather_status'].isna()][['time_interval']].values[-1])
Start: ['2019-05-21T07:45:00.000000000']
Finish: ['2019-07-11T23:45:00.000000000']
I want to get weather data at the hour-level to keep things reasonable when fetching weather data, so I am going to round down the time_interval
df['time_hour'] = df['time_interval'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0))
Looks like it worked as expected:
print(df[['zip', 'time_interval','time_hour']].head())
zip time_interval time_hour
0 07306 2019-05-12 22:45:00 2019-05-12 22:00:00
1 07306 2019-05-12 22:30:00 2019-05-12 22:00:00
2 07306 2019-05-12 22:15:00 2019-05-12 22:00:00
3 07306 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12 22:00:00
4 07306 2019-05-12 23:30:00 2019-05-12 23:00:00
Looking at the nan
's and predicted
's in weather_status
, which are the unique zip
and time_hour
combinations that we'll need to re-fetch data for?
df_weather_na = df[(df['weather_status'].isna()) | (df['weather_status'] == 'predicted')][['zip','time_hour']].sort_values('time_hour').drop_duplicates()
print('Rows:', len(df_weather_na))
zip time_hour
0 07306 2019-05-12 22:00:00
12809 11101 2019-05-12 22:00:00
13452 11201 2019-05-12 22:00:00
887 10003 2019-05-12 22:00:00
5502 10013 2019-05-12 22:00:00
Rows: 22566
The way that the Dark Sky Weather API works is that you can fetch a whole day's worth of data for each location and it's considered one request. So rather than making an individual request for each zip and hour combination, I will be making a request for every zip and day combination. Let's further reduce the granularity of the table...
df_weather_na['time_day'] = df_weather_na['time_hour'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(hour=0))
print('Rows:', len(df_weather_na))
zip time_hour time_day
0 07306 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12
12809 11101 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12
13452 11201 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12
887 10003 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12
5502 10013 2019-05-12 22:00:00 2019-05-12
Rows: 22566
We don't need time_hour
df_weather_na.drop('time_hour', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_weather_na = df_weather_na.drop_duplicates()
print('Rows:', len(df_weather_na))
zip time_day
0 07306 2019-05-12
12809 11101 2019-05-12
13452 11201 2019-05-12
887 10003 2019-05-12
5502 10013 2019-05-12
Rows: 1416
To call the Dark Sky Weather API, we'll need to have sample lat/long coordinates to send. To do so, I will grab the coordinates of one station within each zip to represent that zip.
df_weather_na['latitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df[df['zip'] == x]['latitude'].unique()[0])
df_weather_na['longitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df[df['zip'] == x]['longitude'].unique()[0])
zip time_day latitude longitude
0 07306 2019-05-13 40.730897 -74.063913
12809 11101 2019-05-13 40.742327 -73.954117
13452 11201 2019-05-13 40.692418 -73.989495
887 10003 2019-05-13 40.729538 -73.984267
5502 10013 2019-05-13 40.719105 -73.999733
Looking at what I did above, there's a less resource-intensive way to do that. First, by creating a table of zip to coordinate combinations:
df_zip_coord = df[['zip','latitude', 'longitude']].drop_duplicates()
df_zip_coord['order'] = df_zip_coord.groupby('zip').latitude.rank(method='min')
zip latitude longitude order
5495 10013 40.719105 -73.999733 1.0
5499 10013 40.719392 -74.002472 2.0
7077 10014 40.736529 -74.006180 1.0
7640 10022 40.757148 -73.972078 1.0
7636 10022 40.763505 -73.971092 2.0
8960 10023 40.775160 -73.989187 1.0
df_zip_coord = df_zip_coord[df_zip_coord['order'] == 1]
df_zip_coord.drop('order', inplace=True, axis=1)
zip latitude longitude
0 07306 40.730897 -74.063913
224 10002 40.720664 -73.985180
886 10003 40.729538 -73.984267
1548 10004 40.703652 -74.011678
2210 10007 40.714979 -74.013012
- Original method timing:
start_time_1 = time.process_time()
df_weather_na['latitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df[df['zip'] == x]['latitude'].unique()[0])
df_weather_na['longitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df[df['zip'] == x]['longitude'].unique()[0])
end_time_1 = time.process_time()
elapsed_time_1 = round(end_time_1 - start_time_1, 4)
print('Process Time Elapsed: ', elapsed_time_1)
Process Time Elapsed: 42.9605
- Faster method timing (using lookup table):
start_time_2 = time.process_time()
df_weather_na['latitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df_zip_coord[df_zip_coord['zip'] == x]['latitude'].get_values()[0])
df_weather_na['longitude'] = df_weather_na['zip'].apply(lambda x: df_zip_coord[df_zip_coord['zip'] == x]['longitude'].get_values()[0])
end_time_2 = time.process_time()
elapsed_time_2 = round(end_time_2 - start_time_2, 4)
print('Process Time Elapsed: ', elapsed_time_2)
Process Time Elapsed: 2.028
- And an even faster method, now that we have the lookup table, is to simply merge:
start_time_3 = time.process_time()
df_weather_na = df_weather_na.merge(df_zip_coord, how='inner', on='zip')
end_time_3 = time.process_time()
elapsed_time_3 = round(end_time_3 - start_time_3, 4)
print('Process Time Elapsed: ', elapsed_time_3)
Process Time Elapsed: 0.0052
Now that we've reduced the number of individual requests we'll need to make to the Dark Sky Weather API, we can start to setup the re-fetching process.
Here is our dataset of missing weather:
zip time_day latitude longitude
0 07306 2019-05-12 40.730897 -74.063913
1 07306 2019-05-13 40.730897 -74.063913
2 07306 2019-05-14 40.730897 -74.063913
3 07306 2019-05-15 40.730897 -74.063913
4 07306 2019-05-16 40.730897 -74.063913
(1416, 4)
As a safety measure to avoid having to through these steps all over again, let's save this dataset to a csv:
df_weather_na.to_csv('../input/df_weather_na.csv', index=False)
Now on to creating a new DataFrame of correct weather data for the locations and days in df_weather_na
, by hour.
- Get the api key:
ds_key = os.getenv("DARK_SKY_API_KEY")
- Create a function to build a DataFrame over time. Since I need to regulate how often I call the DS API within a 24h period, I created a set of functions to allow me to pick up where I leave off with no wasted API calls. After some trial and error, I've got it working below. Comments on each function provide more details.
filename = '../input/df_weather_fix.csv'
def get_weather_by_day(api_key, row):
"""Call the DarkSky API to request single day of weather and return a Forecast object"""
day = dt.strftime(row.time_day, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
lat = row.latitude
long = row.longitude
weather = forecast(api_key, lat, long, time=day)
return weather
def create_weather_df(zip_code, weather):
"""Create a DataFrame with the same columns and naming convention as primary df"""
df_weather = pd.DataFrame(weather['hourly']['data'])
df_weather.rename(columns={ 'precipIntensity': 'precip_intensity',
'windSpeed': 'wind_speed',
'windGust': 'wind_gust',
'cloudCover': 'cloud_cover',
'summary': 'weather_summary',
'time': 'time_hour'
}, inplace=True)
df_weather = df_weather[['time_hour','precip_intensity','temperature',\
'humidity', 'wind_speed', 'wind_gust', \
'weather_summary', 'cloud_cover']]
df_weather['time_hour'] = df_weather['time_hour'].apply(lambda x: dt.utcfromtimestamp(x-14400).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
df_weather['time_hour'] = df_weather['time_hour'].apply(lambda x: parse(x))
df_weather['zip'] = str(zip_code)
df_weather['weather_status'] = 'observed'
return df_weather
def get_start_index_df():
"""Get the latest version of the fixed weather df and the index on which to start"""
df_weather_fix = pd.read_csv(filename, dtype={'zip': str})
df_weather_filtered = df_weather_na[(df_weather_na['zip'] == df_weather_fix.iloc[-24]['zip'])\
& (df_weather_na['time_day'] == df_weather_fix.iloc[-24]['time_hour'])]
return df_weather_fix, df_weather_filtered.index[0]+1
df_weather_fix = pd.DataFrame(columns=['time_hour', 'precip_intensity',\
'temperature', 'humidity',\
'wind_speed', 'wind_gust',\
'weather_summary', 'cloud_cover',\
'zip', 'weather_status'])
return df_weather_fix, 0
def get_weather_fix(ds_key, api_limit, df_weather_na):
"""Create an on-going df which contains missing weather data in increments as defined in api_limit"""
df_weather_fix, start_index = get_start_index_df()
api_limit = api_limit
for index, row in df_weather_na[start_index:].iterrows():
if index < (api_limit + start_index):
weather = get_weather_by_day(ds_key, row)
df_weather_day = create_weather_df(row['zip'], weather)
df_weather_fix = df_weather_fix.append(df_weather_day)
df_weather_fix.to_csv(filename, index=False)
print('Saved weather_fix to csv after', 'getting weather for', row['zip'], 'on', str(row['time_day']).split(' ')[0])
if index % 10 == 0:
df_weather_fix.to_csv(filename, index=False)
print('Saved weather_fix to csv after', 'getting weather for', row['zip'], 'on', str(row['time_day']).split(' ')[0])
return df_weather_fix
df_weather_fix = get_weather_fix(ds_key, 999, df_weather_na)
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-05-22
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-06-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-06-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-06-21
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-07-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 07306 on 2019-07-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-05-20
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-05-30
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-06-09
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-06-19
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-06-29
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11101 on 2019-07-09
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-05-18
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-05-28
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-06-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-06-17
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-06-27
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11201 on 2019-07-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-05-16
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-05-26
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-06-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-06-15
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-06-25
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10003 on 2019-07-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-05-14
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-05-24
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-06-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-06-13
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-06-23
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10013 on 2019-07-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-05-16
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-05-26
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-06-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-06-15
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-06-25
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11205 on 2019-07-08
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-05-18
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-05-28
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-06-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-06-17
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-06-27
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10282 on 2019-07-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-05-16
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-05-26
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-06-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-06-15
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-06-25
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11238 on 2019-07-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-05-14
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-05-24
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-06-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-06-13
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-06-23
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10075 on 2019-07-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-05-12
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-05-22
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-06-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-06-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-06-21
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-07-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10002 on 2019-07-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-05-20
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-05-30
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-06-09
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-06-19
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-06-29
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10014 on 2019-07-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-05-20
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-05-30
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-06-09
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-06-19
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-06-29
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 11215 on 2019-07-09
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-05-18
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-05-28
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-06-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-06-17
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-06-27
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10009 on 2019-07-07
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-05-16
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-05-26
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-06-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-06-15
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-06-25
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10007 on 2019-07-05
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-05-14
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-05-24
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-06-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-06-13
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-06-23
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10004 on 2019-07-03
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-05-12
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-05-22
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-06-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-06-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-06-21
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-07-01
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10010 on 2019-07-11
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10011 on 2019-05-20
Saved weather_fix to csv after getting weather for 10011 on 2019-05-29
df_weather_fix.to_csv('../input/df_weather_fix.csv', index=False)
Successfully kept the total API requests to just below 1000 on Day 1:
(And finished the remaining locations on Day 2)
To avoid creating unnecessary columns by joining the fixed weather data to the entire df, I separate df
into two:
- Observed
- NAs and Predicted (the dataset that needed joining with the fixed weather)
date_cols = ['time_interval', 'updated_at', 'created_at']
data_types = {'zip': str}
df = pd.read_csv('../input/availability_interesting_original.csv', parse_dates=date_cols, dtype=data_types)
df['time_hour'] = df['time_interval'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0))
# Rows that are already clean and don't need changing:
df_weather_observed = df[df['weather_status'] == 'observed']
# Rows that need weather data corrected:
df_weather_na_predicted = df[(df['weather_status'].isna()) | (df['weather_status'] == 'predicted')]
# Removing the bad columns:
df_weather_na_predicted.drop(['precip_intensity', 'temperature', 'humidity',\
'wind_speed', 'wind_gust', 'weather_summary', \
'cloud_cover', 'weather_status'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Getting the newly created fixed weather data:
df_weather_fix = pd.read_csv('../input/df_weather_fix.csv', dtype={'zip': str}, parse_dates=['time_hour'])
# Joining with the corrected weather data:
df_weather_fixed = df_weather_na_predicted.merge(df_weather_fix, how='left', on=['time_hour', 'zip'])
# Concatenating the already fixed weather rows with the newly fixed rows:
df_fixed = pd.concat([df_weather_observed, df_weather_fixed])
df_fixed = df_fixed.drop_duplicates()
# Quickly checking that it worked and that we didn't break anything:
print('NAs or Predicted:', len(df_fixed[(df_fixed['weather_status'].isna()) | (df_fixed['weather_status'] == 'predicted')].index))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 81605 entries, 72 to 186029
Data columns (total 22 columns):
station_id 81605 non-null int64
station_name 81605 non-null object
station_status 81605 non-null object
latitude 81605 non-null float64
longitude 81605 non-null float64
zip 81605 non-null object
borough 81605 non-null object
hood 81605 non-null object
available_bikes 81605 non-null int64
available_docks 81605 non-null int64
time_interval 81605 non-null datetime64[ns]
created_at 81605 non-null datetime64[ns]
weather_summary 81605 non-null object
precip_intensity 81605 non-null float64
temperature 81605 non-null float64
humidity 81605 non-null float64
wind_speed 81605 non-null float64
wind_gust 81605 non-null float64
cloud_cover 81605 non-null float64
weather_status 81605 non-null object
updated_at 81605 non-null datetime64[ns]
time_hour 81605 non-null datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(8), int64(3), object(7)
memory usage: 14.3+ MB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 104425 entries, 0 to 104424
Data columns (total 22 columns):
station_id 104425 non-null int64
station_name 104425 non-null object
station_status 104425 non-null object
latitude 104425 non-null float64
longitude 104425 non-null float64
zip 104425 non-null object
borough 104425 non-null object
hood 104425 non-null object
available_bikes 104425 non-null int64
available_docks 104425 non-null int64
time_interval 104425 non-null datetime64[ns]
created_at 104425 non-null datetime64[ns]
updated_at 104425 non-null datetime64[ns]
time_hour 104425 non-null datetime64[ns]
precip_intensity 104425 non-null float64
temperature 104425 non-null float64
humidity 104425 non-null float64
wind_speed 104425 non-null float64
wind_gust 104425 non-null float64
weather_summary 104425 non-null object
cloud_cover 104425 non-null float64
weather_status 104425 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(8), int64(3), object(7)
memory usage: 18.3+ MB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 186030 entries, 72 to 104424
Data columns (total 22 columns):
available_bikes 186030 non-null int64
available_docks 186030 non-null int64
borough 186030 non-null object
cloud_cover 186030 non-null float64
created_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
hood 186030 non-null object
humidity 186030 non-null float64
latitude 186030 non-null float64
longitude 186030 non-null float64
precip_intensity 186030 non-null float64
station_id 186030 non-null int64
station_name 186030 non-null object
station_status 186030 non-null object
temperature 186030 non-null float64
time_hour 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
time_interval 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
updated_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
weather_status 186030 non-null object
weather_summary 186030 non-null object
wind_gust 186030 non-null float64
wind_speed 186030 non-null float64
zip 186030 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(8), int64(3), object(7)
memory usage: 32.6+ MB
NAs or Predicted: 0
Re-creating df
, this time with fixed weather data:
df_fixed.to_csv('../input/availability_interesting_weather_fix.csv', index=False)
On to the fun part. Now that I've got all of my station-by-station availability by 15-minute interval, it's time to explore.
date_cols = ['time_interval', 'updated_at', 'created_at', 'time_hour']
data_types = {'zip': str}
df = pd.read_csv('../input/availability_interesting_weather_fix.csv', dtype={'zip': str}, parse_dates=date_cols)
Below is a list of hypotheses, in no particular order, that may be interesting to validate in the following analysis:
- There will be various categories of stations where usage patterns are similar.
- On days where there is rain observed, overall usage will be lower.
- On business days before and after a holiday, there may be a decrease in overall Citi Bike usage. Might be worth excluding these days entirely from the analysis as they do no represent business days or weekends. Luckily, we only have the 4th of July to deal with as part of this dataset.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 186030 entries, 0 to 186029
Data columns (total 22 columns):
available_bikes 186030 non-null int64
available_docks 186030 non-null int64
borough 186030 non-null object
cloud_cover 186030 non-null float64
created_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
hood 186030 non-null object
humidity 186030 non-null float64
latitude 186030 non-null float64
longitude 186030 non-null float64
precip_intensity 186030 non-null float64
station_id 186030 non-null int64
station_name 186030 non-null object
station_status 186030 non-null object
temperature 186030 non-null float64
time_hour 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
time_interval 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
updated_at 186030 non-null datetime64[ns]
weather_status 186030 non-null object
weather_summary 186030 non-null object
wind_gust 186030 non-null float64
wind_speed 186030 non-null float64
zip 186030 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](4), float64(8), int64(3), object(7)
memory usage: 31.2+ MB
Create time of day column:
df['hour'] = df['time_hour'].apply(lambda x: x.hour)
Visualize average availability by hour:
sns.lineplot(x=df['hour'], y=df['available_bikes'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x120d68c50>
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x120d53ba8>
df['time'] = df['time_interval'].apply(lambda x: x.time())
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x=df['time'], y=df['available_bikes'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x125612eb8>
df['day'] = df['time_interval'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%A'))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df, hue='day')
def get_day_type(x):
if x.weekday() > 4:
return 'weekend'
return 'weekday'
df['day_type'] = df['time_interval'].apply(lambda x: get_day_type(x))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df, hue='day_type')
for station in df['station_name'].unique():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[df['station_name'] == station], hue='day').set_title(station)
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
for station in df['station_name'].unique():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[df['station_name'] == station], hue='day_type').set_title(station)
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['station_name'] == 'Sip Ave') & (df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='weather_summary')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
df['pi_rounded'] = df['precip_intensity'].apply(lambda x: round(x,1))
array([0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['station_name'] == 'Sip Ave') & (df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='pi_rounded')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
df['is_raining'] = df['precip_intensity'].apply(lambda x: x > 0)
array([False, True])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['station_name'] == 'Sip Ave') & (df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='is_raining')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
for station in df['station_name'].unique():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['station_name'] == station) & (df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='is_raining').set_title(station)
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
for station in df['station_name'].unique():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['station_name'] == station) & (df['day_type'] == 'weekend')], hue='is_raining').set_title(station)
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='is_raining')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
df['date'] = df['time_hour'].apply(lambda x:
df['is_raining'] = df['is_raining'].apply(lambda x: int(x))
df_rainy_days = df.groupby(['station_id', 'date'])['is_raining'].max().reset_index()
df_rainy_days.rename(columns={'is_raining': 'rainy_day'}, inplace=True)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
station_id | date | rainy_day | |
0 | 150 | 2019-05-02 | 1 |
1 | 150 | 2019-05-03 | 0 |
2 | 150 | 2019-05-04 | 1 |
3 | 150 | 2019-05-05 | 1 |
4 | 150 | 2019-05-06 | 1 |
df = df.merge(df_rainy_days, on=['station_id', 'date'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['day_type'] == 'weekday')], hue='rainy_day')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
sns.lineplot(x='time', y='available_bikes', data=df[(df['day_type'] == 'weekend')], hue='rainy_day')
plt.xticks(df['time'].unique(), rotation=90)
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