cat input.asm | ruby asm_bf.rb >
- Registers
- Stack(like C-string, can't store 0)
- Strings and arrays
- Registers:
mov ax 5 // ax = 5
mov bx 6 // bx = 6
sub ax bx // ax = 5 - 6 (mod 256) = 255
mov cx 12
mov dx 2
mul cx dx // cx = 12 * 2 = 24
mov dx 10
div cx dx // division with remainder: cx = 24 \ 10 = 2, dx = 24 % 10 = 4
- Stack:
mov ax 1
push ax
push 5
pop bx
pop cx // bx = 5, cx = 1 now
push 0 // wrong! undefined behaviour
- Arrays:
array test 10 // like C's : unsigned char test[10];
set test 0 42 // test[0] = 42
get test 0 ax // ax = test[0]
Also, register can be index of array, but then you can access only first 256 elements.
- Strings:
string hello "Hello, World!" // like C's: unsigned char hello[] = "Hello, World!";
puts hello // print string
Strings are arrays too:
get hello 0 ax // ax = 'H'
put ax // prints 'H'
- IO:
take ax // like C's: ax = getchar();
put ax // prints char in 'ax'
puts str // prints string in str variable
- Loop:
while ax // in while used one of registers
// do smth.
- Comparing:
mov ax 2
mov bx 1
cmp ax bx // compare, and now:
ne // not equal
// actions in case registers are not equal
nl // not less
// actions
ng // not greater
// actions
eq // equal
// actions
lt // less
// actions
gt // greater
// actions