Hello, World!
A medical student who has a deep interest in computer science and programming.
My interest in programming started in early childhood, with an old computer schoolbook I borrowed from my cousin. It used Visual Basic 6.0 as a model to teach object-based programming. I was then fascinated by the idea that you can make the computer do whatever you want by communicating with it through a certain language the same way you can make someone do something for you by asking them. This, and the idea that I could turn any idea into reality by programming, felt like magic to me back then.
Fast forward to middle school, my long-forgotten interest was ignited again, when I attended computer lessons. Though the computer curriculum was (hopefully not still) of subpar quality, and I was essentially the only person who was even remotely interested, my passion for programming made me try and get the most out of it. I learned the basics of HTML, variables, functions, for
and while
loops, and other stuff that did not stick with me because it was complicated and the curriculum did not do a good job teaching it to us...
During high school, I tried to enter the world of programming by learning HTML (lol), but then I gave up, before coming back during college, but this time I decided to learn programming the right way, starting with the basics, which I am currently learning using C++.
So far, I have learned the very basics as well as the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP), which I find an interesting programming paradigm. Soon - Allah willing - I will start learning data structures and C#.
I still have not decided which track I will take in the future, but most likely I will go for web development.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on small-scale C++ projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning the foundations of programming, using C++ as a model.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with finding decent resources to learn C#.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn (LinkedIn account currently restricted for unknown reasons), Discord (search for the username aliaboulsauood_22503)
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him