Foody is an app that makes making food easier and gives you full information about the selected meal including instructions of how to make that meal provided by a video.
- Room
- How to create Entity
- How to create Database
- How to create DAO
- Navigation
- Navigation in the Application
- MVVM & LiveData
- MVVM architecture facilitates a separation of development
- Retrofit - Making HTTP connection with the rest API and convert reponse json file to Kotlin/Java object.
- Room - Save meals in local database.
- MVVM & LiveData - Saperate logic code from views and save the state in case the screen configuration changes.
- Coroutines - Do some code in the background.
- ViewBinding - Allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views.
- Glide - Load and cache images by URL.
- Circle Image - A fast circular ImageView perfect for profile images.
- Android-Gif-Drawable - Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
- Intuit - An android lib that provides a new size unit - sdp (scalable dp).
- Navigation - Handle everything related for in-app navigation.