This plugin adds some useful functions/methods to IW5's GSC VM
: Executes a console command. -
replaceFunc(what, with)
: Replaces a function with another:init() { replaceFunc(maps\mp\gametypes\_damage::Callback_PlayerDamage, ::callbackPlayerDamage); } callbackPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset) { }
addCommand(name, callback)
: Adds a console command (gets removed after a map restart):init() { addCommand("kill", ::cmd_kill); } cmd_kill(args) { if (args.size < 2) { print("Usage: kill <num>"); return; } num = int(args[2]); player = getEntByNum(num); if (isPlayer(player)) { player suicide(); } }
: Prints a message to all players' chat. -
self tell(message)
: Prints a message to the player's chat. -
self setName(name)
: Sets a player's name. -
self resetName(name)
: Resets a player's name to its original. -
self setClantag(name)
: Sets a player's clantag. -
self resetClantag(name)
: Resets a player's clantag to its original. -
self removeClantag(name)
: Removes a player's clantag.
The basepath for all IO functions is Plutonium/storage/iw5
fopen(path, mode)
: Opens a file of given name with given mode, returns a file stream. -
fwrite(stream, text)
: Writes a string to a stream. -
: Reads entire file. -
: Closes a file stream. -
: Deletes a file.init() { basePath = getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; file = fopen(basePath + "test.txt", "w"); fwrite(file, "test"); fclose(file); file = fopen(basePath + "test.txt", "r"); print(fread(file)); fclose(file); }
: Returns true if the file exists. -
writeFile(path, data[, append])
: Creates a file if it doesn't exist and writes/appends text to it. -
: Reads a file. -
: Returns file size in bytes. -
: Creates a directory. -
: Returns true if the directory exists. -
: Returns true if the directory is empty. -
: Returns the list of files in the directory as an array. -
copyFolder(source, target)
: Copies a folder.
jsonSerialize(variable[, indent])
: Converts GSC variables (such as arrays) into JSON:init() { array = []; array[0] = 1; array[1] = 2; json = jsonSerialize(array, 4); print(json); /* [script]: [ 2, 1 ] */ }
This function can also be useful to reveal contents of existing arrays such as
:init() { print(jsonSerialize(game["allies_model"], 4)); /* [script]: { "ASSAULT": "[function]", "GHILLIE": "[function]", "JUGGERNAUT": "[function]", "LMG": "[function]", "RIOT": "[function]", "SHOTGUN": "[function]", "SMG": "[function]", "SNIPER": "[function]" } */ print(jsonSerialize(game["music"], 4)); /* [script]: { "defeat_allies": "UK_defeat_music", "defeat_axis": "IC_defeat_music", "losing_allies": "UK_losing_music", "losing_axis": "IC_losing_music", "losing_time": "mp_time_running_out_losing", "nuke_music": "nuke_music", "spawn_allies": "UK_spawn_music", "spawn_axis": "IC_spawn_music", "suspense": [ "mp_suspense_06", "mp_suspense_05", "mp_suspense_04", "mp_suspense_03", "mp_suspense_02", "mp_suspense_01" ], "victory_allies": "UK_victory_music", "victory_axis": "IC_victory_music", "winning_allies": "UK_winning_music", "winning_axis": "IC_winning_music" } */ }
: Converts JSON into a GSC variable:init() { array = jsonParse("[1,2,3,4]"); print(array[0] + " " + array[1] + " " + array[2] + " " + array[3]); /* [script]: 1 2 3 4 */ }
: Creates an array from arguments, not very relevant to JSON but can be useful to make code look better.Instead of doing this:
init() { array = []; array[0] = 1; array[1] = 2; array[2] = 3; array[3] = 4; print(jsonSerialize(array, 4)); /* [script]: [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] */ }
You can do this:
init() { array = array(1, 2, 3, 4); print(jsonSerialize(array, 4)); /* [script]: [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] */ }
: Simlar toarray(...)
but creates a string-indexed array:init() { array = map("first", 1, "second", 2); print(jsonSerialize(array, 4)); /* [script]: { "first": 1, "second": 2 } */ }
: Prints values as json.