This is the repository for all my Unraid/Plex scripts. - Counts your active docker containers and compares it to a total number to notify you when any are missing. Input your # of normally running dockers as the c value and enter a valid Discord webhook. Run on a cron to check your dockers on a regular schedule. - backs up the file specified to the destination specified then removes all but 3 latest backups. WARNING - this will remove most/all files in the destination directory! Use with caution. It is highly recommended to backup to an empty directory. - backs up the multiple files to a single destination then removes all but 3 latest backups. WARNING - this will remove most/all files in the destination directory! Use with caution. It is highly recommended to backup to an empty directory. - backs up the multiple files to a multiple destinations then removes all but 3 latest backups. WARNING - this will remove most/all files in the destination directories! Use with caution. It is highly recommended to backup to empty directories.