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Cranberry Sprite

An extended utility package for SpriteKit.


Cranberry Sprite is a utility package born from the original GBMKUtils package to add extra functionality and quality-of-life updates to SpriteKit.

Some features include the following:

  • Protocols for parsing SKTileMapNodes to create SKSpriteNodes from them.
  • Extensions to CGPoint and CGVector to get distances.
  • Extensions to SKSpriteNode to make them configurable for pixel art games.
  • Extensions to SKTextureAtlas to add animation frame support.

Getting started

Cranberry Sprite is a Swift package for the Swift Package Manager and can be added through Xcode.

Build from source

Required Tools:

  • Xcode 13 or later
  • macOS 12.0 or later

Clone the repository using git clone or gh repo clone then run swift build in the root of the project.

Found a bug?

You can report issues regarding Cranberry Sprite to the project's YouTrack page at


Cranberry Sprite is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v2.0. You can read your rights in the LICENSE file provided or by obtaining it at //