Golang questions
- How many bytes of memory does a single precision float32 use?
- Is it possible to change a specific character in a string?
- What is the output of the below code?
var n uint8 = 255
n += 1
- Explain the code below
str[0] = 'D'
- What is the output of the below code?
sum := 0
for {
What does the built-in len function do when passed a string?
What is a := "10" - 1 in Go?
How to effectively concat multiple string?
What do you understand by byte and rune data types? How are they represented?
What are the three uses of "..." in Go?
What's the difference between a type definition and a type alias?
What does the keyword "make" do?
What is the output of the below code?
package main
import "fmt"
type Aa uint
const (
x Aa = 1 << iota
func main() {
fmt.Println(x, y, z)
- What is slice? Explain array and slice types and the differences between them.
- What is the value of slice1 of the below code?
nums := [6]int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
slice1 := nums[1:4]
What mistakes can be avoided by using the range keyword to iterate over an array?
How does "append" work?
What is the output of the below code?
arr1 := [2]int{2,3}
arr2 := [...]int{2,3}
- Explain the code below
r := [...]int{99: -1}
- What is the output of the below code?
s := []int{5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
s[3] = s[len(s)-1]
s = s[:len(s)-1]
- What is the output of the below code?
s := []int{1, 2, 3}
func(l []int) {
l[0] = 42
What is CGo in Golang?
Explain the Golang map type and its advantages.
What is the zero value for a map type?
Explain the defer statement in Golang. Give an example of a deferred function’s call.
In what order are multiple defer statements called?
Review the code below
func main() {
count := 5
if count > 5 {
message := "Greater than 5"
} else {
message := "Not greater than 5"
Explain struct in Go (exported, embedding and anonymous fields)
What does "Arguments are passed by value" mean in functions?
a) if arguments are pointer, slice, map, function, or channel?
b) explain about function return -
Explain the code below?
var f func(int) int
What is the Anonymous Functions in Go ?
What is the output of the below code?
func sum(vals ...int) int {
total := 0
for _, val := range vals {
total += val
return total
func main(){
Explain the Panic and Recover in Go.
What is the method and method’s receiver in Go?
What is difference between pointer and value receiver in methods?
What is an interface?
What is the empty interface and type Assertion?
What is the type switch?
What is the channel?
What operations are available on the channel type?
What's the difference between unbuffered and buffered channels?
What happens if you pass value to a closed channel?
What does the following code print?
c := make(chan int, 1)
for done := false; !done; {
select {
done = true
case <-c:
c = nil
case c <- 1:
- What happens if you send or receive on a nil channel?
- What value do you see when you read from a closed channel?
- How do you check whether a channel has been closed?
r := <-c
What is a goroutine? what is difference between thread?
What would you use in Go if you wanted to do more than one thing at the same time?
What keyword is used to start a new independently running task?
What order do different goroutines run in?
Deadlocks and race conditions?
What is the Reflection (reflect) in Go ?
What is the unsafe package in Go ?
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