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Todo app concept with theme toggler

A small app concept idea just to sharpen some of my skills

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Add, remove, toggle todos and save them to local storage
  • The app should detect user theme preference, apply it and save it to local storage
  • Futhermore, user could change the theme and save it, no matter their system settings




My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • CSS Animations
  • Local storage

What I learned

  • It helped me get some practice on how local storage work
  • Make good use of CSS custom properties
  • Understand some javascript events, such as 'animationend'
  • Work with arrays and objects
  • Understand some javascript prototyping concepts working with classes
  • Working with DOM in javascript
  • Basic state management
  • Make use of CSS animations, transforms and transitions

Continued development

  • To step into more advanced concepts of javascript DOM manipulation before learning any framework
  • Learn git! :)
  • To be more organized :)
  • Practice, practice, practice!

    For this project

    • I would like to use svg on theme toggler button for a smoother ux and to create more complex animations
    • To be able to edit todos and update them in local storage. Maybe I would do this using 'contenteditable' attribute
    • Add some micro interactions when some events are fired (ex: when adding or removing todos)

Known bugs

  • On responsive mode (touch devices only), the theme toggle button register the click/tap even if it happens like 50% percent of his height under it. Futhermore, sometimes does not register it if you click on its top half.


  • That ugly border on the theme toggle button (it has something to do with overflow hidden ond border-radius on the button itself). Background-clip set to content-box and a small padding seems to do the trick


  • Alin Mercasi