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alipirani88 committed Jun 5, 2018
1 parent 15231ba commit 2b27cdc
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,345 additions and 169 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions config_ali
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ binbase: /nfs/esnitkin/bin_group/variant_calling_bin/
resources: nodes=1:ppn=4,pmem=4000mb,walltime=250:00:00
large_resources: nodes=1:ppn=12,mem=47gb,walltime=250:00:00
queue: fluxod
flux_account: esnitkin_fluxod
queue: flux
flux_account: esnitkin_flux
notification: ae

# Set Parameters for individual tools. Set the binbase of each tool: This should be the folder name of respective tools where the executables for each resp. tool resides.
Expand Down
Binary file modified config_settings.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified modules/__init__.pyc
Binary file not shown.
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
import errno
from config_settings import ConfigSectionMap
from logging_subprocess import *
from log_modules import *

""" Sanity Check Methods"""
def make_sure_path_exists(out_path):
Fuction to make sure output folder exists. If not, create it.
:param: out_path
:return: null/exception
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
keep_logging('\nErrors in output folder path! please change the output path or analysis name\n',
'\nErrors in output folder path! please change the output path or analysis name\n', logger,

def make_sure_files_exists(vcf_file_array):
Function to make sure the variant call output files exists and are not empty.
:param: vcf_file_array
:return: null or exception
not_found_files = []
for files in vcf_file_array:
ori_unmapped_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_proximate_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_variant_position_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_5bp_mpileup_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_mpileup_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_filter_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",
ori_indel_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",

if os.path.isfile(ori_unmapped_file) and os.path.isfile(ori_proximate_file) and os.path.isfile(
ori_variant_position_file) and os.path.isfile(ori_5bp_mpileup_file) and os.path.isfile(
ori_mpileup_file) and os.path.isfile(ori_filter_file) and os.path.isfile(ori_indel_file):
if len(not_found_files) > 0:
for i in not_found_files:
keep_logging('Error finding variant calling output files for: %s' % os.path.basename(i.replace('_filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf', '')),
'Error finding variant calling output files for: %s' % os.path.basename(i.replace('_filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf', '')), logger, 'exception')

def make_sure_label_files_exists(vcf_file_array, uniq_snp_positions, uniq_indel_positions):
Function to make sure the variant call output files exists and are not empty.
:param: vcf_file_array
:return: null or exception
not_found_files = []
found_incomplete = []
for files in vcf_file_array:

snps_label_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",

indel_label_file = files.replace("filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf",

num_snps_label_lines = sum(1 for line in open('%s' % snps_label_file))
num_indel_label_lines = sum(1 for line in open('%s' % indel_label_file))

if os.path.isfile(snps_label_file) and os.path.isfile(indel_label_file):
if num_snps_label_lines == uniq_snp_positions and num_indel_label_lines == uniq_indel_positions:
# keep_logging('Error finding variant calling output files: %s' % files, 'Error finding variant calling output files: %s' % files, logger, 'exception')
if len(not_found_files) > 0:
for i in not_found_files:
keep_logging('Error finding core_prep output files for: %s' % os.path.basename(i.replace('_filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf', '')),
'Error finding core_prep output files for: %s' % os.path.basename(i.replace('_filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf', '')), logger, 'exception')

if len(found_incomplete) > 0:
for i in found_incomplete:
tmp_file = os.path.basename(i.replace('_filter2_final.vcf_no_proximate_snp.vcf', ''))
keep_logging('core_prep step failed for: %s. Rerun %s.pbs' % (tmp_file, i),
'core_prep step failed for: %s. Rerun %s.pbs' % (tmp_file, i), logger, 'exception')
Binary file added modules/core_prep_sanity_checks.pyc
Binary file not shown.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
__author__ = 'alipirani'
import os
from config_settings import ConfigSectionMap
from logging_subprocess import *
from log_modules import *

def fasttree(tree_dir, input_fasta, cluster, logger, Config):
keep_logging('Running Fasttree on input: %s' % input_fasta, 'Running Fasttree on input: %s' % input_fasta, logger, 'info')
fasttree_cmd = "%s/%s/%s -nt %s > %s/%s_FastTree.tree" % (ConfigSectionMap("bin_path", Config)['binbase'], ConfigSectionMap("fasttree", Config)['fasttree_bin'], ConfigSectionMap("fasttree", Config)['base_cmd'], input_fasta, tree_dir, (os.path.basename(input_fasta)).replace('.fa', ''))
keep_logging('%s' % fasttree_cmd, '%s' % fasttree_cmd, logger, 'info')
if cluster == "parallel-local" or cluster == "local":
call("cd %s" % tree_dir, logger)
call(fasttree_cmd, logger)
elif cluster == "cluster":
call("cd %s" % tree_dir, logger)
call(fasttree_cmd, logger)
elif cluster == "parallel-cluster":
job_file_name = "%s/fasttree_%s.pbs" % (tree_dir, os.path.basename(input_fasta))
job_name = os.path.basename(job_file_name)
job_print_string = "#PBS -N %s\n#PBS -M %s\n#PBS -m %s\n#PBS -V\n#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4,mem=47000mb,walltime=76:00:00\n#PBS -q %s\n#PBS -A %s\n#PBS -l qos=flux\ncd %s\n%s" % (job_name, ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['email'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['notification'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['queue'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['flux_account'], tree_dir, fasttree_cmd)
f1=open(job_file_name, 'w+')
call("qsub %s" % job_file_name, logger)
Binary file added modules/fasttree.pyc
Binary file not shown.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
__author__ = 'alipirani'
import os
from config_settings import ConfigSectionMap
from logging_subprocess import *
from log_modules import *

def gubbins(gubbins_dir, input_fasta, logger, Config):
keep_logging('\nRunning Gubbins on input: %s\n' % input_fasta, '\nRunning Gubbins on input: %s\n' % input_fasta, logger,
call("cd %s" % ConfigSectionMap("gubbins", Config)['gubbins_bin'], logger)
gubbins_cmd = "%s/%s --prefix %s/%s %s" % (ConfigSectionMap("gubbins", Config)['gubbins_bin'], ConfigSectionMap("gubbins", Config)['base_cmd'], gubbins_dir, (os.path.basename(input_fasta)).replace('.fa', ''), input_fasta)
#call(gubbins_cmd, logger)
keep_logging('\nRunning Gubbins: %s' % input_fasta, '\nRunning Gubbins: %s\n' % input_fasta,
Binary file added modules/gubbins.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified modules/log_modules.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified modules/logging_subprocess.pyc
Binary file not shown.
66 changes: 54 additions & 12 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ def run_phaster(reference_genome, outdir, logger, Config):
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_post_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_post_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_post_cmd, logger)
keep_logging("Phaster Post Json file %s/%s_phaster_post.json exists" % (outdir, str(out_name[0])), "Phaster Post Json: %s/%s_phaster_post.json exists" % (outdir, str(out_name[0])), logger,
keep_logging("Phaster Post Json file %s/%s_phaster_post.json already exists. Skipping Phaster Job submission. To get latest Phaster results remove this file and run core_prep step again." % (outdir, str(out_name[0])), "Phaster Post Json: %s/%s_phaster_post.json exists. Skipping Phaster Job submission. To get latest Phaster results remove this file and run core_prep step again." % (outdir, str(out_name[0])), logger,

def parse_phaster(reference_genome, outdir, logger, Config):
out_name = (os.path.basename(reference_genome)).split('.')
if os.path.isfile("%s/%s_phaster_post.json" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))) and os.stat("%s/%s_phaster_post.json" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))).st_size != 0:
Expand All @@ -28,19 +30,59 @@ def parse_phaster(reference_genome, outdir, logger, Config):
phaster_get_cmd = "wget \"\" -O %s/%s" % (
data["job_id"], outdir, str(out_name[0]) + "_phaster_get.json")
if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s_phaster_get.json" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))):
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_get_cmd, logger)
keep_logging('Running: %s to get results from Phaster server' % phaster_get_cmd, 'Running: %s to get results from Phaster server' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_get_cmd, logger)
with open('%s/%s' % (outdir, str(out_name[0]) + "_phaster_get.json")) as json_get_data:
get_data = json.load(json_get_data)
phaster_get_zip_cmd = "wget \"http://%s\" -O %s/" % (str(get_data["zip"]), outdir, str(out_name[0]))
phaster_unzip_cmd = "unzip -o %s/" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))
if get_data["status"] == "Complete":
keep_logging("Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]),
"Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]), logger,
phaster_get_zip_cmd = "wget \"http://%s\" -O %s/" % (str(get_data["zip"]), outdir, str(out_name[0]))
phaster_unzip_cmd = "unzip -o %s/" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger,
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_unzip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger)
call(phaster_unzip_cmd, logger)
keep_logging("Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]),
"Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]), logger,

elif os.path.isfile("%s/%s_phaster_get.json" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))) and os.stat("%s/%s_phaster_get.json" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))).st_size != 0:
#call(phaster_get_cmd, logger)
with open('%s/%s' % (outdir, str(out_name[0]) + "_phaster_get.json")) as json_get_data:
get_data = json.load(json_get_data)
if get_data["status"] == "Complete":
keep_logging("Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]),
"Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s" % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]), logger,
phaster_get_zip_cmd = "wget \"http://%s\" -O %s/" % (str(get_data["zip"]), outdir, str(out_name[0]))
phaster_unzip_cmd = "unzip -o %s/" % (outdir, str(out_name[0]))
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger,
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_unzip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger)
call(phaster_unzip_cmd, logger)
keep_logging("Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s. Phaster job is still running or Phaster get json results were empty depending on the Phaster Job Status." % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]),
"Phaster Get Json file exists... The status of Phaster job id %s is %s. Phaster job is still running or Phaster get json results were empty depending on the Phaster Job Status." % (
get_data["job_id"], get_data["status"]), logger,
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger, 'debug')
keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_unzip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
call(phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger)
call(phaster_unzip_cmd, logger)
# keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger, 'debug')
# keep_logging('Running: %s' % phaster_unzip_cmd, 'Running: %s' % phaster_get_cmd, logger, 'debug')
# call(phaster_get_zip_cmd, logger)
# call(phaster_unzip_cmd, logger)
if os.path.isfile("%s/summary.txt" % outdir):
keep_logging('Extracting Phage region information from %s/summary.txt' % outdir, 'Extracting Phage region information from %s/summary.txt' % outdir, logger, 'info')
get_phage_regions = "sed -n -e '/REGION/,$p' %s/summary.txt | awk 'NR>2' | awk -F' ' '{print $5}'" % outdir
Expand All @@ -58,8 +100,8 @@ def parse_phaster(reference_genome, outdir, logger, Config):
for pos in phage_positions:
f_open.write(str(pos) + "\n")
keep_logging('Phaster output file %s/summary.txt not found' % outdir,
'Phaster output file %s/summary.txt not found' % outdir, logger, 'exception')
keep_logging('Phaster output file %s/summary.txt not found. Phaster job is still running or Phaster get json results were empty.' % outdir,
'Phaster output file %s/summary.txt not found. Phaster job is still running or Phaster get json results were empty.' % outdir, logger, 'exception')

keep_logging('Number of phage Positions: %s' % len(phage_positions),
Expand Down
Binary file modified modules/phage_detection.pyc
Binary file not shown.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
__author__ = 'alipirani'
import os
from config_settings import ConfigSectionMap
from logging_subprocess import *
from log_modules import *

def raxml(tree_dir, input_fasta, jobrun, logger, Config):
keep_logging('Running RAXML on input: %s' % input_fasta, 'Running RAXML on input: %s' % input_fasta, logger, 'info')
raxml_cmd = "%s/%s/%s %s -s %s -n %s_raxML" % (ConfigSectionMap("bin_path", Config)['binbase'], ConfigSectionMap("raxml", Config)['raxml_bin'], ConfigSectionMap("raxml", Config)['base_cmd'], ConfigSectionMap("raxml", Config)['parameters'], input_fasta, (os.path.basename(input_fasta)).replace('.fa', ''))
keep_logging('%s' % raxml_cmd, '%s' % raxml_cmd, logger, 'info')
if jobrun == "parallel-local" or jobrun == "local":
call("cd %s" % tree_dir, logger)
call(raxml_cmd, logger)
elif jobrun == "cluster":
call("cd %s" % tree_dir, logger)
call(raxml_cmd, logger)
elif jobrun == "parallel-cluster":
job_file_name = "%s/raxml_%s.pbs" % (tree_dir, os.path.basename(input_fasta))
job_name = os.path.basename(job_file_name)
job_print_string = "#PBS -N %s\n#PBS -M %s\n#PBS -m %s\n#PBS -V\n#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4,mem=47000mb,walltime=76:00:00\n#PBS -q %s\n#PBS -A %s\n#PBS -l qos=flux\ncd %s\n%s" % (job_name, ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['email'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['notification'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['queue'], ConfigSectionMap("scheduler", Config)['flux_account'], tree_dir, raxml_cmd)
f1=open(job_file_name, 'w+')
#os.system("qsub %s" % job_file_name)
call("qsub %s" % job_file_name, logger)
Binary file added modules/raxml.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified modules/tabix.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified modules/variant_diagnostics/config_settings.pyc
Binary file not shown.

0 comments on commit 2b27cdc

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