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ALIS API Python Client


This is an API Python client of The original code (ALIS API Node.js Client) was written by OK Rabbit (@ocrybit) and rewritten in Python by hoosan(@hoosan16).

ALIS API made simple with syntax sugar

The simplest call looks like this.

Alis.api("/articles/recent", lambda err, json: pprint(json))

The same call promisified, simply replace api by api_p.

# with the promise-based calls, you are free from callback hell
json = Alis.api_p("/articles/recent", {'article_id': '2xANPLY5QrN1'}, {"method": "GET"})

Another example to get all the articles an authenticated user has published on ALIS with a promisified call. It loops through all the articles successively paginating till it reaches the end, but you can put some logics between each call with a getAll/getAllSync function defined to make pagination easier.

This time the example uses an async/await wrapper function to make it work like a synchronous code.

page = 0
async def get_all_p(json, obj):
    nonlocal page
    print(f"{obj.itemCount} articles fetched from {obj.startNth}th to {obj.endNth}th.")
    page += 1
    for i, item in enumerate(json["Items"]):
    if page == 3:
        return True
        return False
Alis.api_p("/me/articles/public", {"limit": 2}, {"username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxx", "getAll": get_all_p})

Table of contents


The pip installation is available.

$ pip install alis

If you wish to use conda, install pip before alis so as not to mess up libraries.

$ conda install pip
$ pip install alis

Available Calls

Refer to the official ALIS API documentation located here.

All you have to do to make a call is to remove {} from each pathname of the call and put it as the first argument. Also specify the request method in the third argument when it's not GET.

When authentication is needed, pass your username and password to the third argument as well.

Arguments are

1st pathname of ALIS API; e.g., "/me/articles/public".

2nd parameters specified in the API document to pass to the API call.

3rd anything else specific to this library

4th the last callback function (not for promise-based calls)

You can omit the second and third argument when not required and put the last callback function as the second argument. However, you cannot omit the second argument when you need to specify the third argument.

Some examples.

[GET] /articles/{article_id}

Alis.api("/articles/article_id", {"articles_id": "2xANPLY5QrN1"}, {}, lambda err, json: pprint(json))

[POST] /me/articles/{article_id}/like

Alis.api("/me/articles/article_id/like", {"article_id": "2xANPLY5QrN1"}, {"method": "POST", "username": "your_username", "password": "your_password"})

Note that some POST and PUT API calls don't return anything back when successful, in that case this library returns <Response [200]> to indicate a successful operation.


ALIS uses Amazon Cognito to authenticate users but this library handles that in the background for you. You just need to pass your username and password, then it authenticates you through the complicated process and stores the tokens in a temporary file, it automagically refreshes your tokens when they are expired.

There are 3 ways to make API calls with authentication.

  1. pass username and password
Alis.api("/me/info", {}, {"username": "your_username", "password": "your_password"}, lambda err, json: pprint(json))
  1. directly pass id_token obtained by authentication (optionally with username)
Alis.api("/me/info", {}, {"id_token": "your_id_token"}, lambda err, json: pprint(json))
  1. pass refresh_token and username (for some weired reasons)
Alis.api("/me/info", {}, {"refresh_token": "your_refresh_token", "username": "your_username"}, lambda err, json: pprint(json))

Note that it's a good idea to always pass your username since both authenticating and refreshing operations require username to be done automatically.

Syntax Sugar

Manually paginating through articles and comments might be pain in the ass, so this library made it simpler for you.

You can specify a getAll function to the third argument to make the call automatically go to the next page till it reaches the end. Use next and stop functions given back to you inside the getAll function to navigate.

Do something asynchronous and call next to get the next page or stop to intercept the loop and finish the operation with the last callback function.

The forth object returned to you contains some useful information for pagination such as startNth, endNth, itemCount, isNext. startNth and endNth are not zero-based index but they count from 1 like ordinal numbers.

page = 0
def get_all(json, next, stop, obj):
    nonlocal page
    print(f"{obj.itemCount} articles fetched from {obj.startNth}th to {obj.endNth}th.")
    page += 1
    for i, item in enumerate(json["Items"]):
    # stop the calls when it's on the 3rd page so the maximum articles to get will be 30
    if page == 3:
Alis.api("/articles/popular", {"limit": 10}, {"method": "GET", "getAll": get_all}, lambda err, json: print("This is the last callback function called when everything is done.")




ALIS API Python Client







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