Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) Go SDK is a client SDK to access Aliyun OSS API, implemented in the Go programming language.
go get -u
go test -v -cover
- Complete set of Aliyun OSS API
- Thouroughly tested
- 100% test coverage
- intuitive table driven tests
- full test suite completes within 2 seconds
- Lint clean
- golint
- go fmt
- goimports
- go vet
- race detector
- Idiomatic & elegant
- response is returned as a parsed object
- error is returned as a Go error
- named options for setting headers & parameters
- Great extensibility
- clean and orthogonal implementation
- users can easily extend the SDK when a new API method is supported
- No third party dependencies
- Overview
- API Object
- Bucket
- Object
- Optional Headers and Parameters
- Multipart Upload
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Object Lifecycle Management
- Extending the SDK
- HTTP header User-Agent, e.g. aliyun-sdk-go/0.1.1 (Linux/3.16.0-51-generic/x86_64;go1.5.1)
- Go HTTP client does not support 100-Continue (will be supported after Go 1.6, see golang/go#3665)
- HTTP header keys are automatically converted into canonical format, e.g. x-oss-acl becomes X-Oss-Acl
- Go GET request does not have redundant "Content-Length: 0" header
- Parameters will be omitted if the argument is not set
- Go always sends URL parameters and headers in canonical order
licensed under the Apache License 2.0